Courses at BU that I recommend my PhD students to take:

In CS Department:

Computer Science Graduate Initiation (CS 697)
Image and Video Computing (CS 585)
Artificial Intelligence (CS 640)
Computer Graphics (CS 680)
Advanced Computer Graphics (CS 580)
Advanced Database Applications (CAS CS 562)
Computational Geometry and Scientific Computing CS 591 T1
Video-Based Human-Computer Interfaces (CS 591)
Directed Study in Image and Video Computing (GRS CS 979)

In other departments:

Stochastic Processes (ENG SC 505)
Digital Image Processing and Communication (ENG SC 520)
Digital Video Processing (ENG SC 720 A1)
Statistical Pattern Recognition (ENG SC 719)
Image Reconstruction and Restoration (ENG SC 717)
Introduction to Medical Imaging (ENG BE 515)
Advanced Topics in Remote Sensing (CAS GG 502)
Digital Image Processing Remote Sensing (GRS GG 640)