Class Device


public class Device
extends Object

Method Index

 o isBusy()
Is the device currently runing?
 o nextInterrupt()
Retrieve the time when the next interrupt will occur
 o printStats()
Print information about this device
 o start(Job, int)
Start the device running job j.
 o stop()
Stop the device, and return the Job currently running.
 o toString()
For debugging, information about this device


 o toString
 public String toString()
For debugging, information about this device

toString in class Object
 o start
 public void start(Job j,
                   int amt)
Start the device running job j. For generic devices, the amt argument is the amount of time to run, in ms. Specific devices may interpret the argument differently.

 o stop
 public Job stop()
Stop the device, and return the Job currently running.

 o nextInterrupt
 public final int nextInterrupt()
Retrieve the time when the next interrupt will occur

 o isBusy
 public boolean isBusy()
Is the device currently runing?

 o printStats
 public void printStats()
Print information about this device