Testing hw4

Here are the test files.
Here are the output files.

Simple cases:
test1 - remove node with no children
test2 - remove node with left subchild
test3 - remove node with right subchild
test6 - remove from empty tree
test7 - remove non-existent

For each file testx in the test directory, there is an output files named testx.out in the outfiles directory.
Your solution needs to match this file.

Complex cases:
test4 - replace deleted node with child
test4-root - delete root, replace with child
test5 - replace deleted node with great-grandchild
test5-root - delete root, replace with great-grandchild

For each file testx in the test directory, there are 2 matching output files named testx.out1, testx.out2.
The first contains the tree if you chose to replace the deleted value with the largest value on the left subtree
The second contains the tree if you replace the deleted value with the samlles on the right subtree.
Your solution needs to match one of them to get the points.

Tip on comparing files under UNIX:
Use the diff utility, which takes the names of 2 files and returns the different lines.
To do this, redirect the output of your program to a file using
./my_prog > file1
then run "diff file1 file2" to compare your output with the appropriate output file.