Ray Tracer Model File Format

Ray tracer model files are stored ASCII file format:


light ID <#> {pnt,inf,amb} <x> <y> <z> <lx> <ly> <lz> <R> <G> <B> <a0> <a1> <a2> <aa> {shadow_on,shadow_off}

<#> is the unique light identification number
<x> <y> <z> is the position
<lx> <ly> <lz> is the direction
<R> <G> <B> is the color in the range [0,1]
 <a0> <a1> <a2> are the attenuation coefficients for distance
<aa> is the angular attenuation exponent 
{shadow_on,shadow_off} turn shadows "on" or "off" for that light


mat ID <#> <R> <G> <B> <Ka> <Kd> <Ks> <ns> <Kt> <Kr> <Irefract>

<#> is the unique material identification number
<R> <G> <B> is the color in the range [0,1]
<Ka> <Kd> <Ks> are the coefficients of ambient, diffuse, and specular reflection
<ns> is the specular-reflection exponent
<Kt> <Kr> <Irefract> are the coefficients of transmission and reflection, and index of refraction

Surface objects:

obj sphere ID <#> mat ID <mat #> <x> <y> <z> <radius>

<#> is the unique object indentifier number
<mat #> is the material assigned to this object
<x> <y> <z> is the center point
<radius> is the radius

obj ellipsoid ID <#> mat ID <mat #> <x> <y> <z> <rx> <ry> <yz>

<#> is the unique object indentifier number
<mat #> is the material assigned to this object
<x> <y> <z> is the center point
<xr> <yr> <zr> are the radii

obj cylinder ID <#> mat ID <mat #> <x> <y> <z> <nx> <ny> <nz> <radius> <length>

<#> is the unique object indentifier number
<mat #> is the material assigned to this object
<x> <y> <z> is the center point
<nx> <ny> <nz> is the unit vector in the direction of the cylinder's long axis
<radius> <length> are the radius and length

obj box ID <#> mat ID <#> <x> <y> <z> <ux> <uy> <uz> <vx> <vy> <vz> <wx> <wy> <wz> <u_width> <v_width> <w_width>

<#> is the unique object indentifier number
<mat #> is the material assigned to this object
<x> <y> <z> is the center point
<ux> <uy> <uz> <vx> <vy> <vz> <wx> <wy> <wz> are three unit vectors defining the box orientation
<u_width> <v_width><w_width> are the box widths along the respective dimensions

CSG object:

obj CSG ID <#> {union,intersect,difference} ID <ID1#> ID <ID2#>

Two previously defined objects are combined via a CSG operation.  The objects can be spheres, ellipsoids, boxes, cylinders, or other CSG objects.

Camera specification:

viewport <width> <height>

<width> is the window width in pixels
<height> is the window height in pixels

resolution <x_res> <y_res>

<x_res> is the width of a pixel in world units
<y_res> is the height of a pixel in world units

camera {perspective,orthographic} <cop_x> <cop_y> <cop_z> <look_x> <look_y> <look_z> <up_x> <up_y> <up_z> <focal_length> <near_clip_plane_dist> <far_clip_plane_dist>

{perspective,orthographic} is the camera type: "perspective" or "orthographic"
<cop_x> <cop_y> <cop_z> is the camera center
<look_x> <look_y> <look_z> is the "look at" point
<up_x> <up_y> <up_z> is the up vector
<focal_length> is the focal length (ignored for "orthographic")
 <near_clip_plane_dist> <far_clip_plane_dist> are the near and far clip plane distances

Render control:

render N ID <#> ... ID <#>

when N = 0 all objects are rendered, or when N > 0  then a list of N object ID numbers to be rendered is given