BU CLA CS 480: Introduction to Computer Graphics

Spring 1995

Solutions to Homework Assignment 2

1. We intend to scale only along the axis defined by the unit vector . There will be no scaling in the directions perpendicular to the scaling axis. If the vector U were the x axis, then the scaling matrix would simply be:

Therefore, our strategy will be to find the rotation matrix that takes the axis into the x axis. We do this by defining an object coordinate system with as the x axis.

To obtain such a coordinate system, we need define the two other axes, and . Since there is no scaling along the other two axes, we can choose any unit vectors and as long as , and are orthogonal. There are many vectors that satisfy these conditions. For example, we can construct a axis perpendicular to as follows:

assuming that or .

The third axis can be found via a cross product:

We now have an object coordinate frame defined by unit vectors ,, and . To rotate from the object coordinate frame into the world coordinate frame, we use the rotation matrix:

Finally, the matrix for scaling along can be written:

where we first rotate from object coordinates into world coordinates, then scale along x, and then rotate back.

2. Objects behind the center of projection will appear upside down and flipped left/right. This is demonstrated for the line segment in the diagram below. This is a side view (looking at the x-z plane), showing projection with PRP at the origin, and the viewplane perpendicular to the z axis.

By tracing rays from the points and through the center of projection (COP), we can determine their projections on the view plane. The rays are shown as dashed lines, and the segment's projected end points are shown as and in the figure. From this picture we can see how objects behind the COP will be projected upside-down and flipped.

This is also demonstrated by looking at the math. Projection of the end point in front of the center of projection can be written:

If we move the end point behind the center of projection by negating it's z component, then we get:

We can see that the sign of the of the projected point's x and y coordinate are flipped.

3. One set of possible view parameters for top, front, and one side view of the house are:

The resulting projections are shown along the top row of the table. Note that the projection reference point (PRP) is the same for each view. The PRP can be the same for each view because the point is expressed in view reference coordinates, and therefore it moves with the camera.

4. Assume that , the point between the eyes is given in view reference coordinates. The diagram below depicts the position of the eye points for the stereo views.

The left eye point is displaced by along the u axis, and the right eye point is displaced by along the u axis. This can be written in vector form:

Stan Sclaroff
Created: March 30, 1995