Image and Video Computing

Fall 1996

Programming Assignment 0

Due before class on Tuesday, September 10

This assignment will get you started using Matlab.

Use the "capture" program to digitize an image of yourself using an Indy with IndyCam in the Computer Graphics Lab. Use the conversion program "togif" to convert the output image to a GIF format image.

Use Matlab to produce two images:

  1. Scale and/or crop the image so that the resulting modified image must be exactly 128x128 pixels. The picture should otherwise be unaltered. Save the image as a GIF file: lastname1.gif, where lastname should be your last name.

  2. Further alter the image using matlab (in any way you wish). The resulting modified image must be exactly 128x128 pixels. Save the resulting image as a GIF file: lastname2.gif.
Submit both of your images using the submit program on cgl. Be sure that the images you submit conform to the naming convention given above.

Page Created: Sep 2, 1996 Last Modified: Sep 2, 1996 Maintained by: Stan Sclaroff