Members of Advising Task Force

Baxter, Ethan; Associate Professor of Earth Sciences, Faculty Advisor in CAS 105 (

Cross, Katie, CAS undergraduate majoring in Political Science, President of CAS Forum (

Desai, Rushil, CAS undergraduate majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Student Affairs for CAS Forum (

Gilchrist-Minasidis, Chris, Associate Director of the University Service Center (

Hochhauser, Justin, CAS undergraduate majoring in Economics, Vice President of CAS Forum (

Korobkin, Laura, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, English (

Neidle, Carol, Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Romance Studies (

Paserman, Daniele, Assistant Professor, Economics (

Schaus, Scott, Associate Professor, Chemistry (

Snyder, Wayne, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Associate Dean for Student Academic Life (

Ta, Yasuko, Academic Counselor in CAS 105 (

Winderbaum, Megan, Administrator of Undergraduate Affairs, Political Science Department (

Yeager, Peter, Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sociology (



Structure, personnel:

What organizational model and what structure for advising interactions best supports our advising program mission? How do we build training, professional development, and recognition and rewards into this structure? What is relationship to other offices at BU?

Members: Korobkin, Gilchrist-Minasidis, Winderbaum, Baxter, Hochhauser, (Snyder)

Support, processes, delivery:

What systems (esp. technology) and what information processes best support our mission? How do we deliver our advising services, and what resources are necessary?

Members: Neidel, Schaus, Ta, Desai, (Snyder)

Surveys and Focus Groups:

Gather information on demographics, current state of our programs, and student/faculty attitudes.

Members: Snyder, Yeager, Paserman, Cross.


How do we evaluate our programs vis a vis our mission going forward?

Members: Snyder, Paserman