BibTeX Entry

  author	= {Cvetkovski, Andrej and Crovella, Mark},
  title		= {Low-Stretch Greedy Embedding Heuristics},
  booktitle	= {Fourth International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom 2012)},
  year		= {2012},
  address	= {Orlando, FL},
  month		= mar,
  doi		= {10.1109/INFCOMW.2012.6193497},
  URL		= {},
  abstract	= {Greedy embedding is a graph embedding that makes the simple greedy packet forwarding scheme successful for every source-destination pair. It is desirable that graph embeddings also yield low hop stretch of the greedy over the shortest paths. In this paper we study how topological and geometric properties of embedded graphs influence the hop stretch. Based on the obtained insights, we construct embedding heuristics that yield minimal hop stretch greedy embeddings.}