CS 410 -- Software Systems -- Spring 01

Homework Submission Rules

Each programming assignment will have an announced submission dealine. With each hour of lateness you lose a 168th of the credit. Thus, you lose all credit if you are a week late.

Everybody's worst homework grade will be deleted, but not the last homework grade. However, you should save this for emergencies, since no personal exceptions will be given for illness, etc. If you had serious excuse (e.g. documented illness) not to do the last homework then the final exam's weight will be increased from 30% to 40%, and your total homework's weight will be decreased from 50% to 40%.

Suppose your homework 3 is in files sort.doc, sort.c, answers.txt, sort.data. Put them into directory named 03 (not hw3, or anything else!). Make sure directory 03 contains nothing else. Change into the parent directory of directory 03. Type:
 gsubmit cs410 03 
You must be on csa, using your own account when you turn in the homework, otherwise this will not work. To check that the submitted homework has been received, write
 gsubmit cs410 -ls 
This will show what files you have submitted. You are responsible for checking that this process works for you and to ask for help if it does not. Other uses of the gsubmit program are: See the manual page
 man gsubmit 
for examples.

What to turn in

Programming Homework Format Guidelines