Computer Science 113
Sample Final Questions

  1. True or False. Give reasoning.
    1. There are comparison based sorting methods like heapsort which can sort n items in O(n) time.
    2. 	 5
             3   6
            1	2
    3. The above tree is a binary search tree.
    4. The above tree is a heap.
    5. The above tree is a balanced tree.
  2. Consider the following graph:
                      6  7
    	       4|  |  |5 	
    		| 8|  |
                      1  8
    1. Give its adjacency matrix and find a minimum weight spanning tree for it.
    2. Give a high level description of an algorithm that takes a graph G and a vertex v and visits each node in the graph in depth 1st order
    1. Show how the following keys 5,4,7,12,13,2,9 would hash to a table of size 7 using the hash function x%7 and using linear probing to resolve collisions.
    2. Give a sufficient condition for the probe sequence in double hashing to cover all entries of a table of size M.
    3. Show how the list in the first part would be hashed if we resolved collisions using double hashing with probe function p(k):= max(1,(k/2)%7).
    1. Describe step by step how selection sort would sort the following array:
    2. Do the same for mergesort.

5. Consider the following binary tree. 

                         / \
                        b   c
                       / \   \
                      d   e   f
                         / \
                        g   h

Which of the following might be the output of a postorder traversal 
of this tree ?

a. dghebafc
b. dgehbfca
c. dghebfca
d. dbgehafc
e. dbgehfca

6. Give the function header for each of the following.

   a) Function hypotenuse that takes two double-precision floating point 
      arguments side1 and side2, and returns double-precision floating 
      point value.

   b) Function IntToFloat that takes an integer argument Number and returns 
      a floating point value.

7. Here is the adjacency matrix A of a weighted undirected graph. Assume
the vertices are $v sub 1, v sub 2, v sub 3, v sub 4, and  v sub 5$ and that
position (i,j) in the matrix corresponds to edge ($v sub i, v sub j$).

       0 3 6 2 4
       3 0 3 0 4
A =    6 3 0 0 5
       2 0 0 0 7
       4 4 5 7 0

a. Draw a picture of this graph.

b. Give a breadth first search of the graph starting at vertex $V sub 2$.

8. For any tree depth-first search (dfs) and breadth-first search
(bfs) take about the same number of steps. 
However, the space required by the two algorithms may differ greatly.
assume we use a stack to implement the DFS and a queue to do the BFS. 

a. Give an example of a tree with n vertices where a stack of size n-1 is 
needed to do dfs whereas the queue of the bfs of the same tree will never 
have more than two vertices on it at a time. Both searches start from the same vertex.

b. Give an example of an n vertex tree for which the queue used in bfs 
will have n-1 vertices on it at some time while the stack used
for dfs has at most one vertex on it at any time. Both searches
start from the same vertex.