CS 538 Home Page - SPRING 1999

Welcome to the home page for the Computer Science Department's Cryptography course CLA CS 538. This is the starting point for online course information and documentation.

Here is the most recent CS 538 Course News.

Here is the current HOMEWORK and here is the PGP Assignment.

There will be points taken off for late assignments.

CS 538 is the department's course on cryptography and coding. In it ciphers and codes, both classical and modern, are studied. Many algorithms for codes and method to decipher codes will be considered. As well, we will study the theoretical underpining of coding theory and try, in a precise way, to understand the security of various cipher systems. It is not a course on system or network security, though it does bear upon this topic. The following list of pointers provides access to information concerning the course, the students and the instructors.

Page prepared by Steve Homer