Grading Policy

Your final grade will be computed based on the following approximate percentages:

     (1)  Eight homework assignments: 50 percent.
     (2)  Mid-term exam: 25 percent.
     (3)  End-of-term exam: 25 percent.

The total number of points for the two exams, about 50 percent of the final grade, will be computed according to the formula:

     max { mid-term grade + end-of-term grade, 2 * end-of-term grade } .

This way, if you fail or miss the mid-term, you can still pass the course with a good final grade. But regardless, you can't afford to miss the end-of-term, unless you are ready to lose 25 percent of the final grade.

Homework assignments submitted late will be penalized, 10 points for every day past the due date.

You may discuss homework assignments with classmates, but you are the sole responsible for what you turn in. Collaboration in the form of discussion is allowed, but all forms of cheating (copying parts of a classmate's assignment, plagiarism from books or old posted solutions) are NOT allowed. We -- both teaching staff and students -- are expected to abide by the guidelines and rules of the Academic Code of Conduct.

Final letter grades (on the left) will typically correspond to the following percentage intervals (on the right):

     A+         [95-100]
     A          [90-95)
     A-         [85-90)
     B+         [80-85)
     B          [75-80)
     B-         [70-75)
     C+         [65-70)
     C          [60-65)
     C-         [50-60)
     D          [35-50)
     F          [0-35)

Cumulative Grades

Maintained by Assaf Kfoury
Created: 2016.08.01    Last modified: 2016.08.08