Grading Policy

Final grades will be computed based on the following percentages -- approximately: Final letter grades (on the left) will typically correspond to the following percentage intervals (on the right):

     A+         [95-100]
     A          [90-95)
     A-         [85-90)
     B+         [80-85)
     B          [75-80)
     B-         [70-75)
     C+         [65-70)
     C          [60-65)
     C-         [50-60)
     D          [35-50)
     F          [0-35)

Passing good grades are: B- (fair), B (good), B+ (very good), A- (outstanding), A (excellent), and A+ (off the charts).
Minimum passing grade for graduate credit in CS: B-.
Minimum passing grade for undergraduate credit in CS: C.

Cumulative Grades

Maintained by Assaf Kfoury
Created: 2017.01.15