Advanced Computer Graphics

Fall 1997

Programming Assignment 1

Due before class on Tuesday, September 23

In this programming assignment you will develop a spline-based keyframe animation tool. Your goal is to allow the user to create and animate a bouncing 2-D blob via a keyframe interface. Your blob should have five parameters: two for (x,y) position, 2-D rotation, and scaling in the x and y directions. You can use your spline interpolation code from p0 for interpolating the parameters for the in-between keyframes.

Helpful Reference Paper

Lasseter, J. "Principles of Traditional Animation Applied to 3D Computer Animation," in Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, pages 35-44, 1987.

The Code You Write

The user should be able to use this tool to define, modify, and play animations of a bouncing polygonal blob. Your tool should allow the user to:

What You Turn In

Create an HTML document that gives your program source. In a paragraph, describe how your program works. Include two movie files showing two animation sequences that you edited in your keyframe tool. The first sequence should show what looks like a "soft" blob bouncing, the second sequence should show a "stiff" blob bouncing. For extra credit, include an additional animation of your choice. Finally, be sure to tell me what computer platform (e.g., PC, SGI) your tool runs on.

Submit your complete HTML document, source files, and images using the submit program on CGL.

The code you submit should be well-structured and clearly documented. For hints on good style, see the CS480 coding guidelines.

Page Created: Aug 11, 1997 Last Modified: Sep 9, 1997 Maintained by: Stan Sclaroff