Advanced Computer Graphics

Fall 1997

Programming Assignment 2

Due before class on Tuesday, October 7

The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to concepts in physically-based particle animation. You will produce animations of a particle canon. Your animation will include effects of gravity, viscous drag, and collision with walls.

The Code You Write

Use the phase-space equations as described in the readings. You may implement either 2-D or 3-D particles, and you may utilize the numerical integration method of your choice.

Your program should include the following functionality:

Optional Part

For extra credit, generate a simulated fountain with many more particles.

What You Turn In

Create an HTML document "p3.html" that describes your project. In the first part of the report, write a paragraph that describes how your program works. Include two movie files showing two animation sequences that were generated with your simulator. Finally, include your source files and makefile. Be sure to tell me what computer platform (e.g., PC, SGI) your tool runs on.

Submit your complete HTML document, separate source files, and images using the submit program on CGL.

The report you write should be clear and to the point. The code you submit should be well-structured and clearly documented. For hints on good style, see the CS480 coding guidelines.

Page Created: Sep 22, 1997 Last Modified: Sep 22, 1997 Maintained by: Stan Sclaroff