Advanced Computer Graphics

Fall 1997

Rendering System

Due before class on Tuesday, December 9.

In this final assignment you will implement a rendering system. There are four options:
  1. Volume Rendering. Implement your choice of volume rendering algorithm; e.g. ray tracing, painter's, or splatting. Your pictures should have minimal visible artifacts and they should show the data in a useful way.

  2. Radiosity Rendering. Implement your choice of radiosity algorithm for quadrilateral models. Demonstrate your program on the standard Cornell Box and other models of your choice.

  3. CSG Ray Tracing. Implement ray tracing of constructive solids geometry models. Demonstrate your program on scenes that include shadows, reflection, refraction, and texture mapped surfaces.

  4. Backwards Ray Tracing. Implement your choice of algorithm for modeling caustic effects; e.g., beam tracing or Monte Carlo sampling. Demonstrate your program on scenes that include shapes that reflect, and/or refract light onto other objects in the scene.

What You Turn In

Create an HTML document "p5.html" that gives a detailed description of your project. In the first part of the report, give an overview of how your program is structured, and provide a module diagram. Be sure to describe the algortihms employed in sufficient detail for someone else to implement your system.

Include output images from your system.

Finally, include your source files and Makefile. Please be sure to tell me what computer platform (e.g., PC, SGI) your tool runs on.

Submit your complete HTML document, separate source files, and images using the submit program on CGL.

The report you write should be clear and to the point. The code you submit should be well-structured and clearly documented. For hints on good style, see the CS480 coding guidelines.

Page Created: Aug 11, 1997 Last Modified: Nov 11, 1997 Maintained by: Stan Sclaroff