Extending DLX Simulator to Handle Dynamic Scheduling -- Scoreboarding and Tomasulo's Algorithm

Yueh-Lin Liu

Master project 
Computer Science Department 
Boston University
Instructor: Prof. Azer Bestavros


The purpuse of the project is to extend the existing DLX simulator (DLXsim), the simulator written in the University of California at Berkeley, for the DLX instruction set to simulate two dynamic scheduling techniques. There are two programs involved in this project. DLXscore is a DLXsim-like interactive program which can simulates the operation of a DLX computer with scoreboarding technique. DLXscore provides the status of instructions, scoreboard tables, and some statistics. DLXtomasulo is also a DLXsim-like interactive program which uses Tomasulo's algorithm. In DLXtomasulo, we can view the status of instructions, reservation stations, and some statistics. Both of the programs allow the user with commands to set the number of the function units and the latency of floating point operations. They can be run by single step or by continuous execution.

Some changes



This page is created by Yueh-Lin Liu(yueh@cs.bu.edu) as a part of Master project under the supervision of Prof. Azer Bestavros(best@cs.bu.edu)
Created: 1995.5.1
Updated: 1995.5.10