Scoreboarding Example

This is a example dlx code ex2.s for scoreboarding simulator.

        .global A
A:      .float 2.0
        .global B
B:      .float 1.0
	.global C
C:	.float 0.0

        .align  4
        .global _main
	addi    r1, r0, A
        addi    r2, r0, B
        ld      f6, 0(r1)
        ld      f2, 0(r2)
	multf   f0,f2,f4
	subf    f8,f6,f2
	divf    f10,f0,f6
        addd    f6, f8, f2
        trap    #0

specify there is only one add FP unit

(yueh) ~/dlxsim % dlxsim -SCORE -au1

Check hardware configuration

(dlxsim) stats hw

Memory size: 65536 bytes.

Scoreboarding Hardware Configuration
 1 integer_unit,       latency =  1 cycles
 1 add/subtract units, latency =  2 cycles
 1 divide units,       latency = 40 cycles
 2 multiply units,     latency = 10 cycles
Load sample code

(dlxsim) load ex2.s

Use step execution

(dlxsim) step _main
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x4: addi r2,r0,0x104
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x4: addi r2,r0,0x104
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x4: addi r2,r0,0x104
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x0: ld f6,0x0(r1)
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x0: ld f6,0x0(r1)
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x0: ld f6,0x0(r1)
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x0: ld f2,0x0(r2)
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x0: ld f2,0x0(r2)
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x0: ld f2,0x0(r2)
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x0: ld f2,0x0(r2)
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x10: multf f0,f2,f4
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x14: subf f8,f6,f2
Print scoreboard content

(dlxsim) stats score

                      SCOREBOARD         12 th clock cycle
  Instruction         Issue    Read opnds    Exe complete    Write Result  
    addi r1,r0,0x100    V           V              V               V  
    addi r2,r0,0x104    V           V              V               V  
       ld f6,0x0(r1)    V           V              V               V  
       ld f2,0x0(r2)    V           V                                 
      multf f0,f2,f4    V                                             

  FU no.  Name   Busy     Op     Fi    Fj    Fk    Qj    Qk    Rj   Rk  
   1      int    YES       ld    f2                             NO   NO   
   2      mul    YES    multf    f0    f2    f4    1            NO   YES  
   3      mul    NO    (null)                                             
   4      add    NO    (null)                                             
   5      div    NO    (null)                                             

    F0  F2  F4  F6  F8  F10  F12  F14  F16  F18  F20  F22  F24  F26  F28  F30
FU   2   1                                                                  
go to trap

(dlxsim) go 
TRAP #0 received
Dump all infomation

(dlxsim) stats

                      SCOREBOARD         42 th clock cycle
  Instruction         Issue    Read opnds    Exe complete    Write Result  
    addi r1,r0,0x100    V           V              V               V  
    addi r2,r0,0x104    V           V              V               V  
       ld f6,0x0(r1)    V           V              V               V  
       ld f2,0x0(r2)    V           V              V               V  
      multf f0,f2,f4    V           V              V               V  
       subf f8,f6,f2    V           V              V               V  
      divf f10,f0,f6    V           V                                 
       addd f6,f8,f2    V           V              V               V  
                 nop    V           V              V               V  
                 nop    V           V              V               V  
                 nop    V           V              V               V  
                 nop    V           V              V               V  
                 nop    V           V              V               V  
                 nop    V           V              V               V  
                 nop    V           V              V               V  
            trap 0x0    V           V              V                  
                 nop    V                                             

  FU no.  Name   Busy     Op     Fi    Fj    Fk    Qj    Qk    Rj   Rk  
   1      int    YES      nop                                   YES  YES  
   2      mul    NO    (null)                                             
   3      mul    NO    (null)                                             
   4      add    NO    (null)                                             
   5      div    NO      divf   f10    f0    f6    2            NO   NO   

    F0  F2  F4  F6  F8  F10  F12  F14  F16  F18  F20  F22  F24  F26  F28  F30
FU                       5                                                  
Quit the program

(dlxsim) quit

Last Updated: 1995.5.10