Tomasulo's algorithm Example

This is a example dlx code ex3.s for tomasulo's algorithm simulator.

A:      .float 2.0
        .global B
B:      .float 1.0
        .global C
C:      .float 0.0

        .align  4
        .global _main
        ld      f6, 256(r1)
        ld      f2, 260(r2)
        multf   f0,f2,f4
        subf    f8,f6,f2
        divf    f10,f0,f6
        addd    f6, f8, f2
        trap    #0
Execute tomasulo's simulator

(yueh) ~/dlxsim % dlxsim -TOMASULO (dlxsim) stats hw Memory size: 65536 bytes. Tomasulo's Algorithm Hardware Configuration 3 add/subtract units, latency = 2 cycles 2 mult/div units, latency = 10 cycles (multiply) latency = 40 cycles (divide) 6 load_units, latency = 2 cycles 3 store_units, latency = 2 cycles Load sample code

(dlxsim) load ex3.s

Use step execution

(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x4: nop
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = 0x4: nop
(dlxsim) quit
(yueh) ~/dlxsim % dlxsim -TOMASULO
(dlxsim) stats hw

Memory size: 65536 bytes.

Tomasulo's Algorithm Hardware Configuration
 3 add/subtract units, latency =  2 cycles
 2 mult/div units,     latency = 10 cycles (multiply)
                       latency = 40 cycles (divide)
 6 load_units,         latency =  2 cycles
 3 store_units,        latency =  2 cycles
(dlxsim) load ex3.s
(dlxsim) step _main
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x4: ld f2,B(r2)
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x8: multf f0,f2,f4
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0xc: subf f8,f6,f2
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x10: divf f10,f0,f6
(dlxsim) step
stopped after single step, pc = _main+0x14: addd f6,f8,f2
Print scoreboard content

(dlxsim) stats tomasulo

                      TOMASULO's         5 th clock cycle
  Instruction         Issue          Execute       Write Result  
         ld f6,A(r1)    V               V               V 
         ld f2,B(r2)    V               V                 
      multf f0,f2,f4    V                                 
       subf f8,f6,f2    V                                 
      divf f10,f0,f6    V                                 

     Name   Busy     Op         Vj         Vk        Qj       Qk  
    add1     YES     subf      (f6)                          load2  
    add2     NO    (null)                                           
    add3     NO    (null)                                           
    mul1     YES    multf                 (f4)      load2           
    mul2     YES     divf                 (f6)      mul1            

      F0      F2      F4      F6      F8      F10      F12     F14  
Qi   mul1    load2                   add1     mul2                   
Busy  YES     YES     NO      NO      YES     YES      NO      NO  
     F16     F18     F20     F22     F24     F26     F28     F30
Busy  NO      NO      NO      NO      NO      NO      NO      NO  
go to trap

(dlxsim) go
TRAP #0 received
Dump information

(dlxsim) stats tomasulo

                      TOMASULO's         54 th clock cycle
  Instruction         Issue          Execute       Write Result  
         ld f6,A(r1)    V               V               V 
         ld f2,B(r2)    V               V               V 
      multf f0,f2,f4    V               V               V 
       subf f8,f6,f2    V               V               V 
      divf f10,f0,f6    V                                 
       addd f6,f8,f2    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
                 nop    V               V               V 
            trap 0x0    V               V               V 
                 nop    V                                 

     Name   Busy     Op         Vj         Vk        Qj       Qk  
    add1     NO    (null)                                           
    add2     NO    (null)                                           
    add3     NO    (null)                                           
    mul1     NO    (null)                                           
    mul2     NO      divf     (mul1)      (f6)                      

      F0      F2      F4      F6      F8      F10      F12     F14  
Qi                                            mul2                   
Busy  NO      NO      NO      NO      NO      YES      NO      NO  
     F16     F18     F20     F22     F24     F26     F28     F30
Busy  NO      NO      NO      NO      NO      NO      NO      NO  
Quit the program

(dlxsim) quit

Since we can't use integer operation in this simulator, there is a skill which we can load values for registers.

        ld      f6, 256(r1)
        ld      f2, 260(r2)

The 256 means the first data location. Because float needs 4 bytes to store, the next value is 260. The other choice is to use put or fput to store values, then use get or fget to look up values.

Last Updated: 1995.5.20