Fault Oblivious eXascale

Execution Environment

This material is based upon work supported  by the Department of Energy Office of Science under Award Number DE-SC0005241.

We have constructed a Virtual Machine Image that can be used to develop and explore the FOX software models using the SSTMacro simulator.    To try it out download the VM image and open it with either VMware Player, Desktop or Fusion (on a Mac).  It contains a README explaining how to get started with it and the following video shows how to use it under MacOSX and this one under Linux.

Our first contribution to the FOX project has been to advance and develop the Kittyhawk infrastucture for FOX use. As part of this effort we constructed a development environment (khdev) for FOX and presented it use during a deep dive session. We also prototyped a test bed in which features of Kittyhawk can be used to explore OS level failures (a simple demo can be found here).

In addition we are exploring how our new Scalable Elastic Systems Architecture (SESA) can be leveraged to support distributed objects directly in the OS layer of FOX.  See the SESA our pages for more information.

Presentations about our work from the last FOX project meeting are here Kittyhawk and SESA.

Department of Computer Sciencehttp://www.cs.bu.eduhttp://www.cs.bu.eduhttp://www.cs.bu.edushapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2

The FOX Partners