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NSF-CRI'07 Breakout Session

June 4, 2007

The New Internet -- Goals, Testing, and Infrastructural Needs


A new Internet must offer substantially larger user value than existing technology, as there is otherwise no economic rationale for justifying the multi-billion dollar transition costs. These improvements are more likely to come from reduced (end-user) operational costs, not improved packet formats, packet switches, congestion control or routing algorithms. It is unclear how even large-scale testbeds can address these questions.

Given finite financial resources, we need to choose where large new testbeds are most useful and whether testbeds should take the form of physical infrastructure or "kits" that can be physically replicated. Other models, such as resource cooperatives, may also offer a more bottom-up model for resource sharing where department-scale testbeds are not appropriate.

This breakout session will consider the above questions and issues, and will discuss the possible role that the CRI program at NSF may play in meeting the needs of the research community.

Session Leader and Moderator: Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University

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Updated On: April 27, 2007