# # Lab 8 # # Computer Science 111 # def display_menu(): """ prints a menu of options """ print() print('0) Input new goal lists') print('1) Get the latest score') print('2) Find the max number of goals') print('3) Print the results') ## Add any new menu options here. print('4) Find the full record') print('5) Quit') print() def latest_score(terriers, opponents): """ returns the score of the latest (i.e., most recent) game inputs: terriers - a list of goals scored by the Terriers in a set of games opponents - a list of goals scored by their opponents We assume that both lists contain the same number of integers, and that they each contain at least one integer. """ score = str(terriers[-1]) + '-' + str(opponents[-1]) return score def find_max_goals(goals): """ returns the largest number of goals in the specified list of goals, which we assume contains at least one integer """ maxg = goals[0] for g in goals: if g > maxg: maxg = g return maxg def print_results(terriers, opponents): """ prints the results of the games as specified by the two lists of goals that are passed in inputs: terriers - a list of goals scored by the Terriers in a set of games opponents - a list of goals scored by their opponents We assume that both lists contain the same number of integers, and that they each contain at least one integer. """ for i in range(len(terriers)): score = str(terriers[i]) + '-' + str(opponents[i]) if terriers[i] > opponents[i]: print(' win', score) elif terriers[i] < opponents[i]: print('loss', score) else: print(' tie', score) def determine_record(terriers, opponents): """ determines the Terriers' record as specified by the two lists of goals that are passed in, returning it as a list of the form [num_wins, num_losses, num_ties] inputs: terriers - a list of goals scored by the Terriers in a set of games opponents - a list of goals scored by their opponents We assume that both lists contain the same number of integers, and that they each contain at least one integer. """ record = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(len(terriers)): if terriers[i] > opponents[i]: record[0] += 1 elif terriers[i] < opponents[i]: record[1] += 1 else: record[2] += 1 return record def main(): """ the main user-interaction loop """ terriers = [] opponents = [] while True: display_menu() choice = int(input('Enter your choice: ')) if choice == 0: terriers = eval(input('Enter the Terriers list of goals: ')) opponents = eval(input('Enter their opponents list of goals: ')) if len(terriers) != len(opponents): print('The lists must have the same length.') print('Please select menu option 0 to try again.') terriers = [] opponents = [] elif choice == 5: break elif choice < 5 and len(terriers) == 0: print('You need to first enter the goal lists.') print('Please select menu option 0 to do so.') elif choice == 1: score = latest_score(terriers, opponents) print('The score of the latest game was', score) ## add code to process the other choices here elif choice == 2: maxg = find_max_goals(terriers) print('The largest number of goals by the Terriers is', maxg) elif choice == 3: print_results(terriers, opponents) elif choice == 4: record = determine_record(terriers, opponents) print(record[0], 'wins') print(record[1], 'losses') print(record[2], 'ties') else: print('Invalid choice. Please try again.') print('Goodbye!')