CS 112
Spring 2024

Problem Set 5

due by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Don’t forget that each of your methods should be preceded by a comment that explains what your method does and what its inputs are. In addition, you should include a comment at the top of each Java file, and you should use good programming style more generally.

In addition, you should continue to follow the other guidelines that we gave you in the prior problem sets. In particular, see here.


In your work on this assignment, make sure to abide by the collaboration policies of the course.

If you have questions while working on this assignment, please come to office hours, post them on Piazza, or email cs112-staff@cs.bu.edu.

Make sure to follow the instructions outlined at the end of Part I and Part II when submitting your assignment.

Part I

50 points total

Creating the necessary file

Problems in Part I will be completed in a single PDF file. To create it, you should do the following:

  1. Open the template that we have created for these problems in Google Docs: ps5_partI

  2. Select File->Make a copy..., and save the copy to your Google Drive using the name ps5_partI.

  3. Add your work to this file.

  4. Once you have completed all of these problems, choose File->Download->PDF document, and save the PDF file on your machine. The resulting PDF file (ps5_partI.pdf) is the one that you will submit. See the submission guidelines at the end of Part I.

Problem 1: A method that makes multiple recursive calls

8 points; individual-only

A number of the algorithms that we consider in CS 112 involve recursive methods in which a given invocation of the method may make two or more recursive calls. To understand how this type of algorithm works, it helps to draw a call tree for a given set of initial parameters.

In this problem, you will draw such a call tree to illustrate the execution of a simple recursive method that operates on integers. You may find it helpful to review our solutions to the similar problem in Lab 5 problem before continuing.

Here is the method you will trace:

public static int foo(int x, int y) {
    if (y <= 0 || x <= 0 || Math.abs(x-y) >= 4) {
        return x+y;
    } else {
        int result1 = foo(x + 1, y - 2);
        int result2 = foo(x - 2, y + 1);
        return result1 + result2;

Assume that we begin with the following initial call to this method:

foo(3, 3)
  1. Construct a call tree that shows each invocation of the method, and that uses lines to connect a given invocation to the recursive calls that it makes (if any). Follow the same format that we use in our solutions for Lab 5.

    In section 1-1 of ps5_partI, we have given you an initial diagram.

    You should take the following steps to complete it:

    • Add each subsequent call with its parameters to the call tree in the appropriate place.

    • If a given call is a base case, simply put its return value under the call, as we do in our Lab 6, Task 2 solution for calls to fib(1) and fib(0).

    • If a given call is not a base case, use lines composed of / or \ characters to connect the call to the recursive call(s) that it makes.

    • Precede each call with a number that indicates the overall order in which the calls were made.

  2. Underneath your call tree, list the order in which the calls return, as well as their return values. When you refer to a given call in this part of the problem, use its number from the call tree.

    For example, the initial call always returns last, so the last line in this part of the problem should look like this:

    call 1 (foo(3,3)) returns ...

    where you replace the ... with its return value.

    See our solution for Lab 5 for another example of what this part of your solution should look like.

Problem 2: Expressing Big-O

7 pts. total; individual-only

Express each of the following functions using Big-O notation. Represent your answer as an equality (e.g., p(n) = O(n^2)). The answer for function a(n) is given.

  1.     a(n) = 2n+1000
  2.     b(n) = n + 3n^2 + nlog(n)
  3.     c(n) = 5nlog(n) + 10n^3 + n^2 + 10^4
  4.     d(n) = 8 + 9n + 4nlog(n) + √(n)
  5.     e(n) = 12n + n^2 + 64
  6.     f(n) = 2n*n
  7.     g(n) = 2^n

Problem 3: Computing Big-O

15 pts. total; individual-only

In each of the following code fragments, determine how many times the count() method is called as a function of the variable n? Use big-O notation to express the run-time efficiency of each method, and explain your answer briefly.

  1. Code Fragment 1

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
          for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
  2. Code Fragement 2

    for (int i = n; i > 0; i/=2)
       for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
          for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
  3. Code Fragment 3

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < 2*n; j++) {
          for (int k = n; k >= 1; k = k/2) {
  4. Code Fragment 4

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) {
  5. Code Fragment 5

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = i; j < n; j++) {

Problem 4: Comparing two algorithms

6 points; individual-only

Suppose that you want to count the number of duplicates in an unsorted array of n elements. A duplicate is an element that appears multiple times; if a given element appears x times, x - 1 of them are considered duplicates. For example, consider the following array:

{10, 6, 2, 5, 6, 6, 8, 10, 5}

It includes four duplicates: one extra 10, two extra 6s, and one extra 5.

Below are two algorithms for counting duplicates in an array of integers:

1. Algorithm A:

public static int numDuplicatesA(int[] arr) {
    int numDups = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
            if (arr[j] == arr[i]) {
    return numDups;

What is the worst-case time efficiency of algorithm A in terms of the length n of the array? Use big-O notation, and explain your answers briefly.

2. Algorithm B:

public static int numDuplicatesB(int[] arr) {
    Sort.mergesort(arr); // we will cover mergesort on Tuesday, but it has O(nlogn) efficiency in both best and worst case
    int numDups = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if (arr[i] == arr[i - 1]) {
    return numDups;

What is the worst-case time efficiency of algorithm B? Use big-O notation, and explain your answers briefly.

3. Algorithm C: Your turn

Suppose you known that your unsorted array of n elements contains elements in the range [0,n-1]. Write your implementation numDuplicates that also uses iteration (i.e., you should not use recursion) but that has a better time efficiency. What is the worst-case time efficiency of algorithm C? Use big-O notation, and explain your answers briefly.

Problem 5: Product generator

6 points total; individual-only

Let’s say that you want to implement a method generateSums(n) that takes an integer n and generates and prints the results of the following series of sums:

1 + 2
1 + 2 + 3
1 + 2 + ... + n

For example, generateSums(4) should print the following:


and generateSums(6) should print the following:


One possible implementation of this method is the following:

public static void generateSums(int n) {
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        int sum = 0;
        for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
            sum = sum + j; // how many times is this executed?
  1. Derive an exact formula for the number of times that the line that increases the sum is executed, as a function of the parameter n.

  2. What is the time efficiency of the method shown above as a function of the parameter n? Use big-O notation as we did in lecture, and explain your answer briefly.


    When big-O expressions are called for in this and future problems, please use them to specify tight bounds as we’ve done in lecture.

  3. Write an alternative implementation of this method that also uses iteration (i.e., you should not use recursion) but that has a better time efficiency.

    Note: You will implement (and submit) a variation of this method in Part II and, you can include that solution here as well. The variation you will be asked to implement in Part II does the same thing, except it does not issue a println statement in the method, it creates and returns a string.

  4. What is the time efficiency of your alternative implementation as a function of the parameter n? Use big-O notation as we did in lecture, and explain your answer briefly.

Problem 6: Basic Sorting practice

6 points; 2 points for each part; individual-only

Important: When answering these questions, make sure to apply the versions of these algorithms in the Sort class we give you. The Java code for each algorithm can be found in our Sort class.

Given the following array:

{10, 18, 4, 24, 33, 40, 8, 3, 12}
  1. If the array were sorted using selection sort, what would the array look like after the second pass of the algorithm (i.e., after the second time that the algorithm performs a pass or partial pass through the elements of the array)?

  2. If the array were sorted using insertion sort, what would the array look like after the fourth iteration of the outer loop of the algorithm?

  3. If the array were sorted using the (non optimized) version of bubble sort presented in lecture, what would the array look like after the third pass of the algorithm?


There will be no partial credit on the above questions, so please check your answers carefully!

Problem 7: Comparing two algorithms

7 points; individual-only

Suppose that you want to find the largest element in an unsorted array of n elements. Algorithm A searches the entire array sequentially and keeps track of the largest element seen thus far. Algorithm B sorts the array using bubblesort, and then reports the last element as the largest.

  1. What is the big-O time efficiency of Algorithm A in the best, average, and worst cases? Explain your answer briefly. (You do not need to implement either algorithm. We just want you to analyze them.)

  2. What is the big-O time efficiency of Algorithm B in the best, average, and worst cases? Explain your answer briefly.

  3. Which algorithm has a more efficient run-time complexity? Explain briefly.

Submitting your work for Part I

Note: There are separate instructions at the end of Part II that you should use when submitting your work for that part of the assignment.

Submit your ps5_partI.pdf file using these steps:

  1. If you still need to create a PDF file, open your ps5_partI file on Google Drive, choose File->Download->PDF document, and save the PDF file on your machine.

  2. Login to Gradescope by clicking the link in the left-hand navigation bar, and click on the box for CS 112.

  3. Click on the name of the assignment (PS 4: Part I) in the list of assignments on Gradescope. You should see a pop-up window labeled Submit Assignment. (If you don’t see it, click the Submit or Resubmit button at the bottom of the page.)

  4. Choose the Submit PDF option, and then click the Select PDF button and find the PDF file that you created. Then click the Upload PDF button.

  5. You should see a question outline along with thumbnails of the pages from your uploaded PDF. For each question in the outline:

    • Click the title of the question.
    • Click the page(s) on which your work for that question can be found.

    As you do so, click on the magnifying glass icon for each page and doublecheck that the pages that you see contain the work that you want us to grade.

  6. Once you have assigned pages to all of the questions in the question outline, click the Submit button in the lower-right corner of the window. You should see a box saying that your submission was successful.


  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct version of every file is on Gradescope before the final deadline. We will not accept any file after the submission window for a given assignment has closed, so please check your submissions carefully using the steps outlined above.

  • If you are unable to access Gradescope and there is enough time to do so, wait an hour or two and then try again. If you are unable to submit and it is close to the deadline, email your homework before the deadline to cs112-staff@cs.bu.edu

Part II

50 points total

Problem 8: A Sudoku solver

20 points; pair-optional

This is the only problem of the assignment that you may complete with a partner. See the rules for working with a partner on pair-optional problems for details about how this type of collaboration must be structured.

In this problem, you will write a program that solves Sudoku puzzles using recursive backtracking.

A Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid in which some of the cells have been filled with integers from the range 1-9. To solve the puzzle, you fill in the remaining cells with integers from the same range, such that each number appears exactly once in each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid.

Here is an example of an initial puzzle:

and here is its solution:

Most of the functionality of your program should go in a class called Sudoku, which you will use to represent an individual Sudoku puzzle. We have provided you with skeleton code for this class in the file Sudoku.java, which you should download and modify.

The provided code includes:

Adding fields and methods
In addition to completing the methods mentioned above, you should also add to the Sudoku class whatever additional fields or methods are needed to maintain the state of a Sudoku puzzle and to solve it using recursive backtracking.

To determine what additional fields are needed, ask yourself: What other fields do I need to be able to efficiently check the constraints of the puzzle – i.e., to determine whether a given value can be placed in a given cell? See our n-Queens solver for for another example of efficient constraint checking.

For full credit, your constraint-checking must be done without scanning through the rows and columns of the Sudoku board. For example, to determine if the current column contains a 5, you should not need to look at the other cells in the current column.

Make sure that you modify the placeVal() and removeVal() methods so that they correctly update the fields that you add. In addition, make sure that you employ proper encapsulation.

Sample puzzles

A sample run of the program is shown below.

Enter the name of the puzzle file: puzzle1.txt

Here is the initial puzzle:
|   | 4 |   |   |   | 3 | 7 |   |   |
|   | 8 | 9 | 7 |   |   | 1 |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   | 4 | 2 |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 1 |
| 6 |   |   | 5 | 1 | 8 |   |   | 9 |
| 2 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   | 5 | 3 |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   | 6 |   |   | 1 | 9 | 4 |   |
|   |   | 1 | 2 |   |   |   | 6 |   |

Here is the solution:
| 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 8 | 3 | 7 | 5 | 6 |
| 5 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
| 7 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 8 |
| 9 | 5 | 8 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 7 | 1 |
| 6 | 3 | 7 | 5 | 1 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 9 |
| 2 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 7 | 5 | 8 | 3 |
| 4 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 8 | 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 2 | 6 | 8 | 7 | 1 | 9 | 4 | 5 |
| 8 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 7 |

Problem 9: Implementing Sum Generator

5 points; individual only

In Problem #3 of Part-I of this problem set you were asked to write a version of the generateSums method, that was more efficient than the one we provided. In a file named GenerateSums.java, implement your efficient version of the method, but one that builds and returns a string of the full series of the sums generated:

For example:


should return a Java string that produces the following output:

1 + 2 = 3
1 + 2 + 3 = 6
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10



should retru a Java string that produces the following output:

1 + 2 = 3
1 + 2 + 3 = 6
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21

Important guidelines

  1. Limit yourself to writing the method specified.
  2. You should not need to use string builder for this method, you only need to use string concatenation.
  3. Your solution should not use Java Arrays or in general any object of a Java class other than the String class.

Problem 10: Recursion and strings revisited

15 points total; individual-only

In a file named StringRecursion.java, implement the methods described below, and then create a main() method to test these methods.

Important guidelines

  1. The methods that you write must be purely recursive. The use of iteration (i.e., for, while, or do-while loops) is not allowed.
  2. The only built-in String methods that you may use are charAt, length, equals, and substring. No use of other String methods is allowed. In addition, make sure to follow any additional restrictions specified in the problem.
  3. Do not use any static variables — i.e., variables that are declared outside of a method.
  4. Use the headers specified for the methods without changing them in any way.
  5. Limit yourself to writing the methods specified below. Do not write any additional “helper” methods that assist the required methods; rather, the methods listed below should provide all of their required functionality by themselves.

Here are the methods:

  1. public static void printReverse(String str)
    This method should use recursion to print the individual characters in the string str in reverse order. For example, printReverse("Terriers") should print


    The method should not return a value.

    Special cases: If the parameter is null or the empty string (""), the method should not print anything.

  2. public static String trim(String str)
    This method should take a string str and use recursion to return a string in which any leading and/or trailing spaces in the original string are removed. For example:

    • trim(" hello world    ") should return the string "hello world"
    • trim("recursion  ") should return the string "recursion"

    The String class comes with a built-in trim() method that does the same thing as the method that we’re asking you to write; you may not use that method in your solution!

    Special cases:

    • If the parameter is null, the method should return null.

    • If the parameter is the empty string, the method should return the empty string.

  3. public static int find(char ch, String str)

    This method should use recursion to find and return the index of the first occurrence of the character ch in the string str, or -1 if ch does not occur in str. For example:

    • find('b', "Rabbit") should return 2
    • find('P', "Rabbit") should return -1

    The method should return -1 if the empty string ("") or the value null is passed in as the second parameter. Remember that you may not use any built-in String methods except charAt, length, equals, and substring.

  4. public static String weave(String str1, String str2)

    This method should use recursion to return the string that is formed by “weaving” together the characters in the strings str1 and str2 to create a single string. For example:

    System.out.println( weave("aaaa", "bbbb") );
    >> abababab
    System.out.println( weave("hello", "world") );
    >> hweolrllod

    If one of the strings is longer than the other, its “extra” characters — the ones with no counterparts in the shorter string — should appear immediately after the “woven” characters (if any) in the returned string. For example, weave("recurse", "NOW") should return the string “rNeOcWurse”, in which the extra characters from the first string — the characters in “urse” — come after the characters that have been woven together.

    This method should not do any printing; it should simply return the resulting string. If null is passed in for either parameter, the method should throw an IllegalArgumentException. If the empty string (“”) is passed in for either string, the method should return the other string. For example, weave("hello", "") should return “hello” and weave("", "") should return “”.

  5. public static int indexOf(char ch, String str)

    This method should use recursion to find and return the index of the first occurrence of the character ch in the string str, or -1 if ch does not occur in str. For example:

    System.out.println( indexOf('b', "Rabbit") ); 
    >> 2
    System.out.println( indexOf('P', "Rabbit") );
    >> -1

    The method should return -1 if the empty string (“”) or the value null is passed in as the second parameter. The String class comes with a built-in indexOf() method; you may not use that method in your solution!

Problem 11: Recursion and Arrays

10 points total; individual-only

In a file named ArrayRecursion.java, implement the methods described below, and then create a main() method to test these methods.

Important guidelines

  1. The methods that you write must be purely recursive. The use of iteration (i.e., for, while, or do-while loops) is not allowed.
  2. The only built-in String methods that you may use are charAt, length, equals, and substring. No use of other String methods is allowed. In addition, make sure to follow any additional restrictions specified in the problem.
  3. Do not use any static variables — i.e., variables that are declared outside of a method.
  4. Use the headers specified for the methods without changing them in any way.
  5. Limit yourself to writing the methods specified below. Do not write any additional “helper” methods that assist the required methods; rather, the methods listed below should provide all of their required functionality by themselves.

Here are the methods:

  1. (5 points) Consider the following method, which uses iteration (a for loop) to search for an item of type int in an array of integers. The method returns true if the item is found in the array, and false if it is not.

    public static boolean search(int item, int[] arr) {
       // Always check for null references first!
       if (arr == null) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException();
       boolean found = false;
       for (int i = 0; i < arr.length && !found; i++) {
          if (arr[i] == item) {
             found = true;
       return found;

    Rewrite this method so that it uses recursion instead of iteration to search for an item which can be of any reference type (i.e. String, Integer, etc) in an array of said reference types. You will need to add a third parameter (i.e. start) that keeps track of where you are in the array. More precisely, start will specify the position in the array where the search for item should begin with each recursive call. For example, search("hello", arr, 0) should search for “hello” in the full array (beginning at position 0), whereas search("hello", arr, 2) should search for "hello" in the array beginning with position 2 through the end of the array. The method header should be:

    public static boolean search(_______ item, _______[] arr, int start)
  2. (5 points) Write a Java method called reverseArrayToString() that uses recursion to create a string of all the elements in an array, but in reverse order. The elements of the array itself should not be reversed; the array must be left in its original form.

    Your method should have the following header:

    public static String reverseArrayToString(________[] arr, int index )

    where arr is a reference to the array, and index is an integer parameter that you may use as you see fit.

    The method should create and return a string representation of all the elements of the array but in reverse order. It is important that the string is created to show the elements in proper array form. For example:

    String a[] = { "abc", "def", "ghi", "klm", "nop", "qrs" };
    System.out.println(reverseArrayToString(a, 0));

    should produce the output:

    [qrs, nop, klm, ghi, def, abc]

    If a null value is passed to the method instead of a valid reference to an array, the method should return the empty string.

Submitting Your Work

Submission Checklist:

Submitting your work for Part I

Submit your ps5_partI.pdf file using these steps:

  1. If you still need to create a PDF file, open your file on Google Drive, choose File->Download as->PDF document, and save the PDF file on your machine.

  2. Click on the name of the assignment in the list of assignments on Gradescope. You should see a pop-up window labeled Submit Assignment. (If you don’t see it, click the Submit or Resubmit button at the bottom of the page.)

  3. Choose the Submit PDF option, and then click the Select PDF button and find the PDF file that you created. Then click the Upload PDF button.

  4. You should see a question outline along with thumbnails of the pages from your uploaded PDF. For each question in the outline:

    • Click the title of the question.
    • Click the page(s) on which your work for that question can be found.

    As you do so, click on the magnifying glass icon for each page and doublecheck that the pages that you see contain the work that you want us to grade.

  5. Once you have assigned pages to all of the questions in the question outline, click the Submit button in the lower-right corner of the window. You should see a box saying that your submission was successful.

Submitting your work for Part II

You should submit only the following files:

Here are the steps:

  1. Click on the name of the assignment in the list of assignments. You should see a pop-up window with a box labeled DRAG & DROP. (If you don’t see it, click the Submit or Resubmit button at the bottom of the page.)

  2. Add your files to the box labeled DRAG & DROP. You can either drag and drop the files from their folder into the box, or you can click on the box itself and browse for the files.

  3. Click the Upload button.

  4. You should see a box saying that your submission was successful. Click the (x) button to close that box.

  5. The autograder will perform some tests on your files. Once it is done, check the results to ensure that the tests were passed. If one or more of the tests did not pass, the name of that test will be in red, and there should be a message describing the failure. Based on those messages, make any necessary changes. Feel free to ask a staff member for help.

    Note: You will not see a complete Autograder score when you submit. That is because additional tests for at least some of the problems will be run later, after the final deadline for the submission has passed. For such problems, it is important to realize that passing all of the initial tests does not necessarily mean that you will ultimately get full credit on the problem. You should always run your own tests to convince yourself that the logic of your solutions is correct.

  6. If needed, use the Resubmit button at the bottom of the page to resubmit your work. Important: Every time that you make a submission, you should submit all of the files for that Gradescope assignment, even if some of them have not changed since your last submission.

  7. Near the top of the page, click on the box labeled Code. Then click on the name of each file to view its contents. Check to make sure that the files contain the code that you want us to grade.


  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct version of every file is on Gradescope before the final deadline. We will not accept any file after the submission window for a given assignment has closed, so please check your submissions carefully using the steps outlined above.

  • Make sure to use these exact file names as specified or we will not be able to find your files and grade them.

  • Make sure that you do not try to submit a .class file or a file with a ~ character at the end of its name.

  • If you make any last-minute changes to one of your Java files (e.g., adding additional comments), you should compile and run the file after you make the changes to ensure that it still runs correctly. Even seemingly minor changes can cause your code to become unrunnable.

  • If we are not able to compile your program, you will not receive any credit for that problem submission.