CS 113: Intro to Computer Science II with Intensive C++

Spring 2002

Class meeting time:   TR 11:00am-12:30pm,   CAS 213.

Section meeting times: Mon 10-11 AM and 12-1 PM, Fri 11-12 AM and 1-2 PM  in the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory (ENA 304).

Final Exam Study Guide

Lecture Slides.

Follow this link to the lab webpage.

The final examination will take place in CAS 213 on Tuesday May 7, 2002 from 9:00AM-11:00AM.

CS Teaching Material (UNIX accounts, etc)
Brief Intro to Unix
Using g++
Programming Guidelines
Submitting your Projects with gsubmit

Instructor:  George Kollios

MCS 288
Phone: 617-358-1835
Dept. of Computer Science
Email: gkollios@cs.bu.edu
Boston University
Fax:    617-353-6457

Office Hours:    Monday 11:00am - 12:30pm and Thursday 1:45pm - 3:15pm

Teaching Fellow:  Huan Luo

Office Hours:  Monday 1:00-3:00pm and  Friday 2:00-4:00pm

Location:  Room 224, #64 Cummington Street.
Email: huanl@cs.bu.edu

Graders:  Alexander Vezeridis and Russen Guggemos
                  alexvez@cs.bu.edu and russen@cs.bu.edu

Course Overview:     This course begins with an intensive introduction to C++ and then covers all the materials in CS 112. You will learn advanced programming techniques involving dynamic memory allocation, pointers, linked lists, stacks, recursion, trees, and some searching and sorting. All of this will be embedded into the highly-disciplined structure provided by the object-oriented programming language C++.

Prerequisites:     This course is designed for students who already program proficiently in PASCAL, C, FORTRAN, or some other high-level programming language. Note: If you do not have such previous exposure to programming, then you are requested to transfer to CS 111. Please consult the instructor if you are uncertain about your preparation.

You are expected to be familiar with UNIX and EMACS. Some help will be available in the section, but if you have not used UNIX or EMACS before, then you should attend the appropriate tutorials provided by B.U. Office of Information Technology: http://www.bu.edu/cc/tutorials/.

Textbooks:     The required textbooks are:

The first of these books will be used for the intensive C++ portion of the course, the latter will be used for the second half of the course, in which we will study basic data structures.
The following class schedule is updated frequently to reflect what we have covered so far.
