Course Schedule (subject to change)
16 T introduction
18 R splines review C3
23 T B-splines and NURBS
25 R image metamorphosis
30 T antialiasing in space and time C4
2 R image pyramids
6 T texture modeling C6
8 R procedural textures C7 P1 due
13 T "
15 R illumination review C2
20 T Monday schedule -- no CS580 lecture
22 R ray tracing I C8
27 T ray tracing II C9
1 R advanced illumination models C10 P2 due
-- Spring Recess --
13 T radiosity C11
15 R global illumination models C12
20 T radiosity solution methods
22 R volume rendering C13
27 T animation C15
29 R particle animation A1
3 T particle animation A2 P3 due
5 R collision and contact A3
10 T springs A4
12 R holonomic constraints
17 T modeling human body and hands
19 R facial animation
24 T cloth, hair, and fur
26 R Image Based Rendering
1 T Realtime Hardware Accel. CG Techniques P4 due