CS-101 / Fall 1997


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Table of Contents

CS-101 / Fall 1997

Computer Taxonomies & Generations: Lecture Overview

Computers are everywhere!

General-purpose versus Special-Purpose Computers

Computer Ancestry...

The First Real Computers: Generation 0

Konrad Zuse

John Atanasoff

Howard Aiken

John Mauchly and Presper Eckert

New Technology = New Generation

First-Generation Computers: The Vacuum Tube Era

Second-Generation Computers: The Transistor Era

Third-Generation Computers: The Integrated Circuit Era

Fourth-Generation Computers: The Microprocessor Era

How Faster, Cheaper, and Smaller will future computers be?

Computers Today: A Brief Taxonomy

Multi-user Computers

Single-user Computers

Portable Computers

Special-purpose Computers and Embedded Computers

Are we in the “Fifth” Generation? The Network Revolution

The Internet Era

Living with Computers



Computer Science


Author: Azer Bestavros

Email: best@bu.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.bu.edu/faculty/best