Edge Detection / Image Processing

Due: 10-11-94

Those of you who took 420 in the Spring will have seen this set-up before but the details have changed. For those of you that didn't this will bring you up to speed on the CM in a friendly way.

The purpose of this homework is to introduce you to data parallel programming on the CM-5 and to the tools needed to accomplish program development in our environment. The actual task required of you is straightforward, but there are a lot of pieces that have to come together for you to be successful. In addition to the information in this handout and page, Here's a page of helpful hints for this problem set.

Your program will perform edge detection on an image stored in a two dimensional data array and create a second data array with the edges found in the first array.

You will hand in printout of the critical procedure. Also, demonstrate your program to Bob during office hours or at the lab seminar.


You will work with real valued data attached to a two dimensional regular grid with periodic boundary conditions (opposing edges are also nearest neighbors). This geometric grid is represented in the data parallel programming language C* by a "shape," all of whose "positions" can be operated on in parallel. See the Getting Started in C* manual and the conx online CM-5 documentation for details.

What your program should do

Your program will take one parameter the command line:
an1  <name of image file> 
Here, an1 is the name of the program, the first argument is the filename of a file containing image data to be used as input (see here for an example of how to generate such data). When it runs, your program will read the file containing the image, convert the color image data to a single real gray scale value, and then should do a local neighbor calculation to detect edges in the image.

What to hand in

You should observe the actions of your program using the PRISM debugger and visualizer. Use the PRISM visualizers to look at the effect of the your edge detection algorithm on the image.
  1. Hand in a printout of the file process_image.cs which will contain the code that you have written and modified.
  2. Demonstrate your program for Bob during the lab seminar or his office hours.

What you are given

Fortunately, you do not have to start this project entirely from scratch! You are given a program consisting of several files. This program handles the reading of the input image and parameters. It then calls a function called process_image which you must modify to complete the homework. The function process_image is defined in its own file (process_image.cs) and it is the modified version of this file that you should hand in with the assignment. None of the other files should need to be modified.

Files and How to Get them

The tar archive is here. If you click on it, Mosaic will attempt to load the archive to your local disk. The helpful hints document contains more detail of this process.

The files can be extracted using the command

The code you must modify

The actual code you have to change is all contained in the file process_image.cs. For your edification, here is a highly commented version of that file.

prepared by Bob Carter with thanks to Roscoe Giles