TO THE GRADER I have prepared the following scheme in order to make grading easier and more uniform. This way, you will always test the programs in the same directory called testdir- with the same testfiles for each student (unless you want to do something else), having access to the same scripts. Also, you do not leave testfiles and binaries around in the course directories. The scheme assumes that students name and position their solution files exactly as required. If a student does not do this, you will have to rename his files, but you can deduct points for this. The "official" solutions for part 1 will be in subdirectory solution-1. Testfiles for part 1 are in subdirectory testfiles-1. A script will always copy the current testfiles and student solutions into testdir (first cleaning it), where the compilation and running will take place. However, the grade must be written directly into the original GRADE-03 file in the student's directory, not on a copy: this way, it cannot happen that you and the other grader work concurrently on the grade file and create inconsistent copies. For similar reasons, your comments on the source files should be made directly in the student directory, not on the copies. TO GRADE ASSIGNMENT 06 cd /cs/course/cs113/current/homework/hw/06 Grade the non-programming assignment by hand: you can look at the "official" solution in /cs/course/cs113/current/homework/hw/06.txt (nothing this time). There are two parts to this programming assignment, but for simplicity, they will be handled as one. FOR PART 1 PREPARATION gr_start --student [--part 1] This script empties the test directory testdir-, then it copies the necessary files of the student, and the testfiles of the grader into this directory. The names of student files to copy are the same as the names of files in directory solution-1, and the test files are in directory testfiles-1. cd testdir- TESTING The script for testing this assignment is called t. It will simply be called with different arguments from the commandline. Compilation: t 0 tries to compile the programs and reports possible problems. If the program does not compile, look at the student's file answers.doc to see whether the student says that some variation of the compilation process worked for him/her. DOES IT SOLVE THE PROBLEM? t 1 runs test_from_file actions_vanilla then compares the output with the correct output. t 2 and t 3 do the same respectively with actions_remove and actions_all. The file GRADE-06 shows how much credit will be earned by each successful test. INSPECTION Inspect the program files. Make comments on these files, then give the scores on efficiency and structure in the grade file. cd ..