Introduction to Computer Science II with Intensive C

Spring 1996

Assignment 3, due Thursday February 8

These programs are to be electronically submitted by using the submit program on csa. The code you submit should conform with the program assignment guidelines.
  1. KP exercise 4 on page 167. Write two versions: "a3p1a.c" using conditional statements, and "a3p1b.c" using a switch statement. Use file redirection to read the input file.

  2. Write a function

    int mySum(int n);

    that sums the integers between n and 2 * n (inclusive). Return the resulting integer value. Write two versions of mySum: one in the file "a3p2a.c" using for loops, and one in "a3p2b.c" using while loops.

  3. Write a subroutine

    void myRoots(float a, float b, float c);

    that prints polynomial roots and messages as described in KP exercise 23 on page 172.

  4. KP exercise 11 on page 213.

You will submit six files for this assignment: a3p1a.c, a3p1b.c, a3p2a.c, a3p2b.c, a3p3.c, and a3p4.c.

Programming assignments are due before class on the assignment due date.

Late assignments will be levied a late penalty of 10% per day. Late assignments will only be accepted up to 4 days late.

Academic Honesty and Collaboration

It is reasonable to discuss with others possible general approaches to problems. It is unreasonable to work together on a detailed solution, to copy a solution, or to give away a solution. If your common discussion can be detected by looking at the solutions, then there is too much collaboration. Such instances of academic dishonesty will result in a course grade of F or expulsion from Boston University.

Do not allow your work to be used by others:

Warning: If someone cheats by using your work, you will also be penalized

Page Created: Jan 15, 1995 Maintained by: Stan Sclaroff