Introduction to Computer Science II with Intensive C

Spring 1996

Assignment 7, due Thursday March 28 at 2PM

In this assignment you will use recursion to find a path through a maze.

Your source files are to be electronically submitted by using the submit program on csa. The code you submit should conform with the program assignment guidelines.

The assignment consists of three source files (a7p1.c, a7p2.c, and a7p3.c) that should be compiled and linked together to make your maze solving program. In addition, you will need to create a header file a7.h that contains the structure type definitions and function prototypes needed for your program. This header file must be included in all three source files.

Finding a Path Through a Maze

Write a program that uses recursive backtracking search to solve a maze. This should be a fairly short program but will take some thought, so don't put it off. Think about what the base case(s) are and what the recursive step will be. Remember that with recursion, the idea is to handle one step of the problem and then let the rest be solved in the same way.

Maze Representation

A maze is represented as a 2D array of characters, where characters are interpreted as follows:

' '(blank)
represents empty space
represents a wall (a cell your solution cannot occupy)
represents a cell that was considered and rejected by your algorithm
represents a cell on the solution path
represents the starting position in the maze
represents the ending position in the maze

When you read the maze data, each cell will contain either a blank or a '*'. Here is an example maze. As you solve the maze, update blank cells to one of the other symbols ('?','@','S','E'). Here is an example solution to the above maze, for a path starting at (10,9) and ending at (16,18).

Input File Format

Maze test data will be provided in an input file. The file contains information for a structure mazeType
  1. first line: mazeWidth mazeHeight

  2. second line: startRow startColumn

  3. third line: endRow endColumn

  4. lines thereafter: rows defining maze

Note that the upper-left corner of the maze is (0,0).

Your program must handle mazes of any size. Naturally, you'll want to start with some tiny maze while you're developing your code. Later, you will want to test using a larger maze. Here is the input file for the previous example maze. This maze has width=20 and height=18. The start position is row=10 and column=9. The end position is row=16 and column=18.

Part 1: Maze Maintainance Functions a7p1.c

This file should contain all routines having to do with maze maintainance. Write (at least) the following functions:

mazeType *readMaze(char *fname);
Reads a maze file, allocates and loads a structure of mazeType. Your program should be able to solve a maze of any size. In other words, you need to dynamically allocate a two dimensional array based on dimensions read from the data file. When successful, this function returns a pointer to maze structure. Otherwise it returns NULL.

int freeMaze(mazeType *maze);
Frees a maze structure. Returns 0 if unsuccessful, non-zero otherwise.

int printMaze(mazeType *maze);
Prints the maze out. Returns 0 if unsuccessful, non-zero otherwise.

int checkMaze(mazeType *maze);
Verifies that the start and end points are within the maze boundaries and that they are blank cells in the initial maze. Returns 0 if maze is invalid, non-zero otherwise.

Create a header file a7.h that contains the structure type definition for mazeType and function prototypes for your maze management routines. This header file must be included in all ".c" source files for this assignement.

Part 2: Recursive Maze Solving Function a7p2.c

Write a function

int solveMaze(mazeType *maze, int x, int y);

that uses recursive backtracking search to solve a maze. The arguments x,y specify the current position in the maze. The function should recursively search the maze and return 0 if the end of the maze was not reached, or 1 if successful.

This should be a fairly short function but will take some thought. Think about what the base case(s) are and what the recursive step will be. Remember that with recursion, the idea is to handle one step of the problem and then let the rest be solved in the same way.

Hint: Your program will first mark the starting point in the maze with 'S' and the ending point with 'E'. The symbols '@' and '?" should be inserted in the maze as you recursively solve it.

To speed up the search, only consider moves in the N, E, W, and S directions from the current position. The exact solution you get will depend on the order in which you search these four directions.

Include a function prototype for your recursive function in a7.h.

Part 3: Maze Solver Main Program a7p3.c

Use the above functions to develop a maze solver main program. Your program should take one command-line argument: the maze file name.

If the maze can be solved, print the solution in the presribed format.

If the maze cannot be solved, print an appropriate message.

You will submit four files for this assignment: a7p1.c, a7p2.c, a7p3.c, and a7.h.

Programming assignments are due before class on the assignment due date.

Late assignments will be levied a late penalty of 10% per day. Late assignments will only be accepted up to 4 days late.

Academic Honesty and Collaboration

It is reasonable to discuss with others possible general approaches to problems. It is unreasonable to work together on a detailed solution, to copy a solution, or to give away a solution. If your common discussion can be detected by looking at the solutions, then there is too much collaboration. Such instances of academic dishonesty will result in a course grade of F or expulsion from Boston University.

Do not allow your work to be used by others:

Warning: If someone cheats by using your work, you will also be penalized

Page Created: Feb 6, 1995 Maintained by: Stan Sclaroff