Introduction to Computer Science II with Intensive C

Spring 1996

Assignment 8, due Tuesday April 9 at 2PM

In this assignment you will implement and use binary search trees. You will use a binary search tree to store 3-letter airport codes, and then your program will print out an in-order traversal of the tree.

The assignment consists of three source files (a8main.c, a8interface.c, and a8implementation.c) that should be compiled and linked together to make your program. In addition, you will create two header files a8interface.h and a8implementation.h that contain the type definitions and function prototypes needed to support your binary search tree ADT.

Your source files are to be electronically submitted by using the submit program on csa. The code you submit should conform with the program assignment guidelines.

Airport Code Index

Write a8main.c, a top-level program that constructs a binary search tree containing 3-letter airport codes. Your program should first read an input file, building a binary search tree of the codes. Your program should then print out the results of in-order traversal of the tree. The result should be a listing of airport codes in alphabetical order. Finally, your program should free the tree by successively deleting nodes in the tree.

This program program takes one command-line argument: the input file name. Here is an example input file. You can assume that files conform to the 3-letter, uppercase airport code convention.

Note: it is possible that the same airport occurs multiple times in an input file. Your program must ensure that each possible airport code appears only once in the binary search tree.

Binary Search Trees: Interface and Implementation Modules

Before programming, take time to define the operations that are needed for working with the binary search tree ADT. Be sure to adhere to the guidelines of data hiding and modularity covered in lecture and in the text (Ch. 4). You can also use the development of the stacks and queues ADT of Ch. 7 as a guide.

Create two header files: a8implementation.h contains private "internal" structure type definitions and function prototypes for your tree implementation, a8interface.h contains function prototypes for the "public" interface.

Once basic operations have been identified, develop the interface module in a8interface.c and the implementation module in a8implementation.c.

Programming assignments are due before class on the assignment due date.

Late assignments will be levied a late penalty of 10% per day. Late assignments will only be accepted up to 4 days late.

Academic Honesty and Collaboration

It is reasonable to discuss with others possible general approaches to problems. It is unreasonable to work together on a detailed solution, to copy a solution, or to give away a solution. If your common discussion can be detected by looking at the solutions, then there is too much collaboration. Such instances of academic dishonesty will result in a course grade of F or expulsion from Boston University.

Do not allow your work to be used by others:

Warning: If someone cheats by using your work, you will also be penalized

Page Created: March 11, 1996 Maintained by: Stan Sclaroff