Boston University GRS CS 697 Spring 2007

The Course Syllabus


Note that the listing of a particular text doesn't mean that we agree with all, or even most, of what's in it. Our goal is to stimulate discussion.

Recommended readings we didn't cover:

Due Friday, Jan 26, for a disussion on the basics of being a graduate student:

Due Friday, February 2, for a discussion on reviewing papers:

Due Friday, February 9, for a discussion on giving presentations:

Friday, February 16: break

Friday, February 23: Guest lecture by Alia Atlas about post-Ph.D. careers in the industry

Friday, March 2, for a discussion of writing:

March 9 and 16 we had no class because of spring break

March 23: more on writing; CVS

March 30, for a discussion of research ethics:

April 6: we continued a discussion of research ethics, also covering the article "Whose ideas was it" (Caroyln Y. Johnson, The Boston Globe, March 1, 2005)

April 13: Guest lecture by Shien Jin Ong about post-Ph.D. careers on Wall Street

April 20: Guest lecture by Drue Coles about post-Ph.D. careers at teaching colleges