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BRITE's Parameters

Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 describe the meaning of the parameters of the models provided with the current distribution of BRITE. Parameters used by more that one model, are mentioned only once.

Table 1: Flat Topology (AS Only or Router Only) Parameters.
Parameter Meaning Values
HS Size of one side of the plane int $\ge 1$
LS Size of one side of a high-level square int $\ge 1$
N Number of nodes int $1 \le N \le HS*HS$
Model model id int $\ge 1$
alpha Waxman-specific exponent $0 < \alpha \le 1, \alpha \in R$
beta Waxman-specific exponent $0 < \beta \le 1, \beta \in R$
Node Placement how nodes are placed in the plane 1: Random, 2: HT
m Number of links per new node int $\ge 1$
Growth Type how nodes join the topology 1: Incremental, 2: Random
BWdist bandwidth assignment to links 1: Const, 2: Unif, 3: Exp, 4: HT
MaxBW, MinBW min, max link bandwidth values float $> 0$

Table 2: Top-down Hierarchical topology Parameters.
Parameter Meaning Values
Edge Connection method for interconnecting 1: Random node
router topologies 2: Smallest degree,
3: Smallest degree non-leaf
4: k-Degree
Intra BWdist Intra-domain bandwidth 1: Constant
assignment distribution 2: Uniform
3: Exponential
4: Heavy-tailed
Intra BWMax/Min min, max bandwidth values $float > 0$
for intra-domain links
Inter BWdist inter-domain bandwidth 1: Constant
assignment distribution 2: Uniform
3: Exponential
4: Heavy-tailed
Inter BWMax/Min min, max bandwidth values $float > 0$
for inter-domain links

Table 3: Bottom-Up topology Parameters.
Parameter Meaning Values
AssignType assignment of routers to ASs 1: Constant
2: Uniform
3: Exponential
4: Heavy-tailed
NumAS number of ASs ``desired'' $int > 0$
Grouping Method how routers are grouped into ASs 1: Random pick
2: Random Walk
Inter BWdist inter-domain bandwidth 1: Constant
assignment distribution 2: Uniform
3: Exponential
4: Heavy-tailed
Inter BWMax/Min min, max link bandwidth values float $> 0$

Table 4: Imported File topology Parameters.
Parameter Meaning Values
Format File format to be imported 1: BRITE
5: GT-ITM Transit-Stub
6: Inet
File file pathname valid file name
HS, LS Plane dimensions same as above
BWdist Bandwidth distribution 1: Constant
2: Uniform
3: Exponential
4: HT
BWmin, BWmax min, max link bandwidth values float $> 0$

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Alberto Medina 2001-04-12