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Installing and Running the Java version

Download the Java version at [15]. Once downloaded, follow these instructions to get BRITE up and running. Please note that you must have Java 2 (JDK1.3) installed in order to do so.

  1. Unzip the downloaded file:

    $ gunzip BRITE_JAVA.tar.gz
    $ tar xvf BRITE_JAVA.tar

  2. Directory structure of Java version

    The contents of the directory where the Java version is untarred is shown in Table 7.

    Table 7: Contents of Java version's directory
    Directory/File Contents
    Model/ Model-related source files
    Graph/ Graph-related source files
    Import/ Import file formats
    Export/ Export file formats
    ../GUI/ GUI source files
    Util/ Miscellaneous utility functions
    Main/ Entry point
    conf_files/ Sample configuration files
    Makefile Makefile

  3. Change to the directory created when the Java distribution file is untarred. Assuming it is called BRITE, we change to that directory and compile:

    $ cd BRITE
    $ make java

  4. Running BRITE from the GUI:

    $ startGUI

  5. Running BRITE from the command line (No Java required):

    $ cd Java
    $ java Main.BRITE <config_file.conf>  <output_file>  <optional_seedfile>

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Alberto Medina 2001-04-12