Boston University CAS CS 112 B1 Fall 2011

The Course Syllabus

The place to ask questions and get help: Piazza

I highly recommend using Eclipse for its more advance debugger and powerful automation/completion. Download here (select "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers"). Watch an excellent short video tutorial by Sami Rollins to get started.

Midterm Announcement (Nov 10 for the B section, Nov 11 for the A section)

For the final exam (Wed 12/21 at 9am), you are allowed to bring two double-sided letter-size (8.5x11 inches) sheets of paper with whatever information you want on them, subject to the following restriction: these sheets must be handwritten by you personally. Photocopied, typewritten, computer printed, etc., sheets are not allowed. The restriction is designed to make sure you reap the learning benefit of preparing the sheets. I will be checking that this restriction is adhered to, but will not check the contents of these sheets otherwise. It's entirely up to you what to put on them. You are allowed to use these sheets and nothing else during the exam--no books, no lecture notes, no calculators. Please also bring two pens/pencils that work.

Everything we studied during the semester (including homeworks and solutions) is fair game for the exam. However, naturally, the focus will be on fundamental concepts and more on the second half of the course. Note that we covered some material that was not on the assignments, especially toward the end of the course. This material is also fair game. Thus, for example, be sure to understand how heaps operate or how to execute Dijkstra's algorithm on a given graph.

Professor Snyder has kindly provided his final from last year as a practice exam. (Note that my exam will probably have more coding problems and a different format, but the sample problems are still valuable.)


Note: the code posted here was written live in lecture and is therefore rushed, underdocumented, and sometimes even buggy.

Labs Page by Ian Denhardt and Another section of the same course by Wayne Snyder


Please read and follow the collaboration policy on the course syllabus. In doing your assignments, you will likely find the Java API Spec useful. Make sure your code is readable and well-documented; our code tries to provide good examples of that.

In addition to the course staff, homework help is available from TFs helping as tutors in the undergrad lab.

Submit your homework here.