BU CLA CS 480: Introduction to Computer Graphics

Spring 1995

Solutions to Homework Assignment 1

1. We need to show that , only if , or for integer values of n. Start by multiplying the matrices:


If , then clearly

Note that the diagonal elements of both matrices are the same, while the off-diagonal elements are different. This means that for the matrices to be equal, it must be the case that

This will be true when , or when (which happens only when for integer values of n). Otherwise, the off diagonal elements of the matrices will not be equal, and therefore .

2. We want to determine the transformation matrix for a reflection around an arbitrary line y = mx + b. One way to solve this is to translate and rotate the problem into an easier coordinate system. If we translate and rotate the line to align it with the x axis, then we can employ the standard transform for reflection about the x-axis.

The homogeneous coordinate representation is more convenient here because we need to include translation in our formulation. Thus we can build a general reflection about a line as a concatenation of linear transforms. We begin by translating to the line's y intercept to the origin using a translation matrix:

We then need to rotate the line to align it with the x axis:

The sine and cosine for alignment can be found directly from the line equation:

Now that we have a way to get between the line's coordinate system and the world coordinate system, we can employ reflection about the x-axis:

We then inverse rotate, back into the line's orientation:

And finally, translate from the origin back to the line's y intercept:

Thus we build our arbitrary reflection as a concatenation of transforms. We first align the coordinate system of the line with the x axis, we then reflect, and then we return to the original coordinate system:

3. (extra credit) In this problem, we need to find a concatenation of basic linear transforms (rotations, scalings, or translations) that is equivalent to the x-direction shearing matrix. The solution to this problem requires two rotations and one scale:

Multiplying out we get

We want to find that rotates into the x shear matrix:

In general, multiplying by a rotation matrix takes the form:


The lower left corner of the resulting shear matrix must satisfy . This means that and . Therefore the angle for the second rotation matrix is , and we need to scale the whole system by . We can now rewrite in terms of this rotation and scaling:

Plugging into Equation 15 and multiplying out, we get:

This gives us the equations:




From Equation 22, we see that . By plugging this into Equation 20, we find that

This holds true when or . We prefer the case when , and plug into Equation 21:

Using trigonometric identities, we find that

This means that

In summary, the x direction shear matrix can be written:


4. The following is pseudocode to handle a convex quadrilateral. Note that we would need to handle the special cases of concave or bow-tie quadrilaterals by dividing them into triangles, and calling a triangle scan-fill routine.

	discard horizontal edges

sort remaining edges into a table using lower end point

(sort by increasing y, and then increasing x)

find ymin and ymax for the quadrilateral

for each edge i in the table
find , the maximum y value for the edge
find , the x value at the edge's lower end point
find the slope for the edge


for y=ymin; y < ymax; y = y+1 do
for x=xleft; x<=xright; x = x+1
if yleft == y then replace left edge with next active edge

i = i+1
if yright == y then replace right edge with next active edge



for x=xleft; x<=xright; x = x+1

Stan Sclaroff
Created: February 20, 1995