455/655 Lecture: TR 12:30 - 2 PM in PSY B51.
655 Talks: Times and locations will vary, but will be announced in class or via e-mail.
Instructor: Prof. John Byers
Office: MCS 270
Phone: 617-353-8925
Email: byers @ cs.bu.edu
Office Hours: Mon 9:30 - 11, Thurs 2:30 - 4:00.
Adrian Heilbut (amh@bu.edu) will hold office hours in the lab while
programming assignments are assigned. His current hours are 6-8 PM
Monday and Wednesday.
Lincoln Waller is our grader for homework assignments.
Course Overview: CS 455 serves as an advanced introduction to computer networks geared toward seniors majoring in Computer Science. CS 655 serves as an advanced introduction to computer networks suitable for graduate students who have not taken an advanced undergraduate course in networking. Students in both classes will attend the same lectures and will complete the same written assignments, programming assignments and exams. In addition, students in CS 655 will attend and participate in a talk series run by the networking research group and will write a survey paper in the second half of the semester. The main focus of the course will be an investigation of the design of computer networks and network protocols, from both a conceptual and design standpoint. We will primarily focus on the software used behind the scenes to build scalable, general-purpose networks. Expect us to cover the majority of the topics in the Kurose-Ross text. Major topics of this course will include:
Textbook: The required textbook is the critically acclaimed book by Jim Kurose and Keith Ross: Computer Networking, 5th Edition, Addison Wesley.
Prerequisites: CS 350 and CS 113 (or equivalent discrete math and basic probability background) are prerequisites for taking this course, CS 330 is a recommended co-requisite. Please consult the instructor if you are at all uncertain about your preparation.
The following
class schedule
will be updated on a regular basis to reflect what we have covered so far.