We developed an optimization-based, variable-speed, self-propelled particle model of collective motion, called FlockOpt, and encourage others to use our implementation
Below we provide a list of our publications that contributed to the feasibility studies for this grant. Also see the article about our project in the August 2009 News of Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences.
Emergence with 2D tracks
Emergence with 3D tracks: Video Caption
Analyzing Living Cells with Time-Lapse Microscopy Imaging
Our cell video on YouTube
Identifying Curling and Stretching Fingers in Videos of Human Hands
Finger video on YouTube
The following publications contributed to the feasibility studies
reported in our NSF proposal:
D. House, M. L. Walker, Z. Wu, J. Y. Wong, and M. Betke. "Tracking of
cell populations to understand their spatio-temporal behavior in
response to physical stimuli." In MMBIA 2009: IEEE Computer Society
Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, Miami,
FL, June 2009. 8 pp.
Z. Wu, N. I. Hristov, T. L. Hedrick, T H. Kunz, and M. Betke "Tracking
a Large Number of Objects from Multiple Views." International
Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Kyoto Japan, 2009. 8 pp.
Robost Tracking of Human Motion
Extraction and Clustering of Motion Trajectories in Video
Our previous findings:
NSF discoveries website
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
on this webpage are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation.
© 2009 Trustees of Boston
| Last update by Margrit Betke in July 2009
| CSS Publications