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twitter: @goldbe
Associate Professor
Sloan Research Fellow
Hariri Faculty Fellow
Computer Science
Boston University 111 Cummington St, MCS135 Boston, MA 02215
I am an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at Boston University, and a member of the BU Security Group.
As a network security researcher, my work uses tools from theory (cryptography, game-theory, algorithms) and networking (measurement, modeling, and simulation) to understand the hurdles practitioners face when deploying new security technologies, and to develop solutions that surmount them.
I received my Ph.D.
from Princeton University in 2009, and my B.A.Sc. from the University of Toronto in 2003.
I have worked as a researcher at IBM's crypto group, Cisco Research, and Microsoft Research, New England, as an engineer at Bell Canada and Hydro One Networks, and have served on working groups of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Here's an article and a video about our research group.
I'm on sabbatical this year, co-founding Commonwealth Crypto!
Selected Recent Publications:
(all publications by topic)
(chronological list)
- Surveillance without Borders: The Traffic Shaping Loophole and Why It Matters
Sharon Goldberg. Report, The Century Foundation, June 2017.
- Making NSEC5 Practical for DNSSEC
Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Duane Wessels, Shumon Huque, Jan Včelák, Moni Naor, Leonid Reyzin, Sharon Goldberg,
ePrint Cryptology Technical Report 2017/099 (February 2017).
paper (on ePrint)
IETF internet draft
project page
RWC'17 talk (YouTube)
See also: NSEC5: Provably Preventing DNSSEC Zone Enumeration, NDSS'15, San Deigo, CA.
See also: draft-goldbe-vrf, an IETF internet draft specifying Verifiable Random Functions. (slides)
- TumbleBit: An Untrusted Bitcoin-Compatible Anonymous Payment Hub
Ethan Heilman, Leen Alshenibr, Foteini Baldimtsi, Alessandra Scafuro, Sharon Goldberg
NDSS'17, San Diego, CA. Feb 2017.
ePrint (Cryptology) Report 2016/575 (June 2016, revised August 2016.)
GitHub NTumbleBit Project
Project page
Media: Bitcoin Magazine
Coin Journal
- Attacking the Network Time Protocol
Aanchal Malhotra, Isaac E. Cohen, Erik Brakke and Sharon Goldberg
NDSS'16, San Diego, CA. Feb 2016.
ePrint (Cryptology) Report (2015/1020)
CS Monitor,
ars technica,
The Register
See also Attacking NTP's Authenticated Broadcast Mode, SIGCOMM CCR, April 2016.
See also The Security of NTP's Datagram Protocol, FC'17, April 2017.
BU NTP Security Project Page
- Unrestrained Bulk Surveillance on Americans by Collecting Network Traffic Abroad.
Axel Arnbak and Sharon Goldberg.
Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review (MTTLR). Vol 21(2), May 2015.
Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC'42), Washington, DC. September 2014.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (HotPETS'14), Amsterdam, NL, July 2014.
paper (SSRN)
CBS News story + NSA response
our reaction to the NSA response
slides from TPRC'42
Other media:
Boston Globe,
Bruce Schneier's blog,
Network World.
- Why Is It Taking So Long to Secure Internet Routing?
Sharon Goldberg. The Communications of the ACM (ACM Queue). October 2014.
slides and video from 3-hr tutorial (2016)
- On the Risk of Misbehaving RPKI Authorities
Danny Cooper, Ethan Heilman, Kyle Brogle, Leonid Reyzin and Sharon Goldberg.
HotNets-XII, College Park, MD. November 2013.
full technical report
short HotNets paper
project page
Awarded a 2014 IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize.
- Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze? BGP Security in Partial Deployment
Robert Lychev, Sharon Goldberg, Michael Schapira.
SIGCOMM'13, Hong Kong, China. August 2013.
SIGCOMM version
full version
Stanford Net Seminar video (YouTube)
Awarded a 2014 IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize.
Teaching FAQ: Q: Do I need CS455 or CS350 before taking CS558 (Network Security)? A: NO!!
Postdocs, Students and Visitors
My postdocs, students and I are part of the BU Security Group, (BUSEC).
- Foteini Baldimtsi (BUSEC postdoc, 2014-2016. Started as an assistant professor at George Mason University.)
- Davide Proserpio (BU PhD student. Co-advised with John Byers and Georgios Zervas. Graduated 2016. Started as an assistant professor at USC Marshall School of Business.)
- Dimitris Papadopoulos (BU PhD student. Mainly advised by Nikos Triandopoulos. Graduated 2016. Started as a postdoc as UMD before starting as an assistant professor at HKUST.)
- Robert Lychev (GATech PhD student, visited 2011-2013. Started as a researcher at MIT Lincoln Labs.)
- Phillipa Gill (University of Toronto PhD student, visited fall 2010. Started postdoc at Citizen Lab, before joining Stonybrook University as an assistant professor in 2013. Now at UMass Amherst.)
- Sachin Vasant. (BU MS. Co-advised with Leo Reyzin. Graduated 2014. Started as an engineer at Cisco.)
- Yun Sheng (BU MS. Co-advised with David Choffnes, started at Zoominfo.)
- Jef Guarente (BU MS. Co-advised with Leo Reyzin. Graduated 2013. Thesis: "Study of the computational efficiency of single-server private information retrieval.")
- Kyle Brogle. (BU undergraduate. Graduated 2012, started as a grad student at Stanford. Received an honorable mention for the 2012 CRA undergraduate research awards.)
- Danny Cooper (BU undergraduate. Graduated 2014, started as a security researcher at Akamai.)
- Anthony Faraco-Hadlock (BU undergraduate. Graduated 2015, started as a developer at Microsoft.)
- Adam Udi. (BU undergraduate BA/MA. Masters project. Graduated 2013, started as a developer at tripadvisor.)
- AJ Trainor (BU undergraduate. Now at Cambridge Blockchain.)
- Erik Brakke (BU undergraduate. Now at Carbonite.)
- Isaac Cohen (BU undergraduate. Received an honorable mention for 2016 CRA undergraduate research award. Started as a developer at Microsoft.)
- Alison Kendler (BU undergraduate. Named a finalist for the 2016 CRA undergraduate research awards. Started as a researcher at MITRE.)
- Ann Ming Samborski (BU undergraduate.)
- Leen Alshenibr (BU undergraduate. Now at Akamai.)
- Sean Smith (BU undergraduate.)
- Ethan Donowitz (Tufts undergraduate)
- Haydn Kennedy (BU undergraduate)
- Rahul Bazaz (BU undergraduate)
- Ezequiel Gomez (BU undergraduate)
- Daniel Gould (BU undergraduate)
- Lydia K. Goldberg. (High-school intern as part of MIT Research Science Institute, summer 2013. Her summer research was recognized as a semifinalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search.)
- Hristo Stoyanov (MIT Research Science Institute high school intern, summer 2014. His summer research was recognized as a finalist in the 2015 International Science and Engineering Fair.)
I am always looking for motivated students and postdocs interested in network security. I have several open positions for spring/summer undergrad or MS interns! See here and please apply!
- I especially enjoy working with motivated undergrads with strong programming skills. Several of my undergrads have won national awards for their research. If you are a BU undergrad and are interested in working with me, please take one of my courses, and drop by my office hours and tell me about yourself. I also welcome students from our M.S. in cybersecurity program.
- If you are a BU grad student are interested working with me or others in the BU Security Group, please enroll in my network security course or in one of the cryptography courses offered by faculty (Canetti, Reyzin) in our group. The best way to get to know us is to join our mailing list and start attending our BUsec seminars.
- If you are interested in graduate study and are not yet at BU, apply to the graduate program in Computer Science at Boston University.
- If you are interested in a postdoc with our group, please email me and describe your qualifications, and type of projects you'd like to work on if you came here.