Below are lecture notes from MIT's 6.889/BU's CAS CS 937: New Developments in Cryptography (also known as BU's CAS CS 937), taught in Spring 2011 by Shafi Goldwasser, Boaz Barak, Leo Reyzin, Yael Kalai, and Salil Vadhan, with guest speakers from MIT's CIS Seminar.
- Class 1 (Tuesday, February 1): (Shafi)
Overview; Introduction to Homomorphic Encryption (HE) including definition of HE with respect to a single operation, and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). Examples: QR, ElGamal, Pallier, Applications of HE: Ron Rothblum's private key to public key transformation. Scribe notes.
- Class 2 (Tuesday, February 8): (Boaz)
FHE I. Notes by Boaz. Problem set. Scribe notes.
Class 3 (Tuesday, February 15): (Boaz) FHE II. Scribe notes.
Class 4 (Tuesday, March 8): (Leo)
Extractors: what they are and the basic universal-hashing-based construction. Use for key agreement from weak secrets against passive attackers. Scribe notes.
Class 5 (Tuesday, March 15): (Leo)
Robust and non-malleable extractors as tools for dealing with active attackers. Leakage-resilient stream cipher of Dziembowski-Pietrzak using alternating extraction. Scribe notes.
Class 6 (Friday, April 1st): Yuval Ishai speaks at the CIS seminar on "How to Garble Arithmetic Circuits" by Benny Applebaum, Yuval Ishai, and Eyal Kushilevitz, FOCS 2011.
Class 7 (Tuesday, April 5): (Yael)
Bounded Memory Leakage; Definition for encryption. Naor-Segev, Gentry-Peikert-Vaikuntathan, and related work. Scribe notes.
Class 8 (Tuesday, April 12): (Yael)
Bounded Memory Leakage signatures. Scribe notes.
Class 9 (Tuesday, April 26): (Yael)
Continual leakage. Encryption+signatures. Scribe notes.
Class 10 (Friday, April 29): David Mandell Freeman, Stanford University, speaks at the CIS seminar on Homomorphic Signatures for Polynomial Functions, by Dan Boneh and David Freeman, Eurocrypt 2011.
Class 11 (Tuesday, May 3): (Salil)
Differential Privacy I: Motivation, definitions, examples. Scribe notes (unedited).
Class 12 (Friday, May 6): (Guest lecture by Jonathan Ullman)
Differential Privacy II: The case of many queries. Scribe notes.
Class 13 (Tuesday, May 10): (Salil)
Differential Privacy III: Bayesian formulation. Connections to crypto. Scribe notes (unedited).