CS 111
Spring 2018

Old version

This is the CS 111 site as it appeared on May 10, 2018.

Problem Set 7


In your work on this assignment, make sure to abide by the collaboration policies of the course.

Don’t forget to use docstrings and to take whatever other steps are needed to create readable code.

If you have questions while working on this assignment, please come to office hours, post them on Piazza, or email cs111-staff@cs.bu.edu.

Make sure to submit your work on Apollo, following the procedures found at the end of the assignment.

Part I

due by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, March 29, 2018

Problem 0: Reading and response

5 points; individual-only

Some of the remaining problems in this assignment will involve using 2-D lists to implement Conway’s Game of Life. This game can be seen as a form of computation–but of a very different sort than we typically encounter.

Unlike typical top-down computation, in which everything is coordinated in a centralized fashion, you’ll see that the Game of Life is a bottom-up, decentralized computation in which separate “cells” interact with only their immediate neighbors to determine what should happen next. Such an approach is more biological in nature, with results emerging from many local processes rather than a single, overarching one.

This week’s reading is an article from Josh Bongard about the forms that biologically-inspired computing have taken–and may take in the future.

After reading his article, write a short response that addresses the following question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a strategy of evolving programs to solve problems, rather than writing them for a specific task?

Put your response in a file named ps7pr0.txt. Don’t forget that the file you submit must be a plain-text file.

Problem 1: Working with nested loops and 2-D lists

10 points; individual-only

Put your answers for this problem in a plain-text file named ps7pr1.txt.

  1. Consider the following Python program, which uses a nested loop:

    for x in [3, 4, 5]:
        for y in range(2, x):
            print(x + y)
    print(x, y)

    Copy the table shown below into your text file for this problem, and complete it (adding rows as needed) to show how the variables change over time and the values that are printed.

      x  | range(2, x) |  y  | value printed
      3  | [2]         |  2  | 5
         |             |     |

    Hint: The lecture and lab exercises include similar traces.

  2. Consider the following Python statement, which creates a two-dimensional list of integers:

    twoD = [[1, 2, 3], 
            [4, 5, 6], 
            [7, 8, 9]]
    1. Write an assignment statement that replaces the value of 6 in this 2-D list with a value of 12.

    2. Write a code fragment that uses a loop to print the values in the leftmost column of the 2-D list to which twoD refers. Print each value on its own line.

      For the list above, the following values would be printed:


      Your code should be general enough to work on any two-dimensional list named twoD that has at least one value in each row.

    3. Write a code fragment that uses one or more loops to print the values in the anti-diagonal of the list to which twoD refers – i.e., the values along a diagonal line from the bottom-left corner to the upper-right corner. Print each value on its own line.

      For the list above, the following values would be printed:


      Your code should be general enough to work on any two-dimensional list in which the dimensions are equal – i.e., the number of rows is the same as the number of columns.

      Hint: To determine the necessary pattern, make a table showing the row and column indices of each element in the anti-diagonal. What is true about each pair of indices?

    For all of these tasks, you are welcome to use IDLE to write and test your code to ensure that it accomplishes the specified tasks. However, you should include your final answers in your ps7pr1.txt file.

Problem 2: TT Securities

25 points; individual-only

This problem involves using loops to process a list of stock prices. You will also gain experience in writing a program that involves repeated user interactions.

The premise behind this problem is that you have been hired by an investment firm called Time Travel Securities, Inc. (also known as TT Securities or TTS). They want you to write a program that will perform a variety of tasks involving a list of stock prices.

We will discuss this application in lecture and look at an example user-interaction loop. In ps7pr2.py, we’ve given you some starter code that is based on the code from lecture. Download that file, open it in IDLE, and add the code needed to support the functionality described below.


  • You may not use the built-in sum, min, or max functions for this problem. Instead, you should use loops of your own construction to compute the necessary values.

  • As usual, you should include a docstring and any other comments that might be necessary to explain your code. More generally, you should aim to make your code easy to read. For example, you should choose descriptive names for your variables. In addition, we encourage you to leave a blank line between logical parts of your function.

  • If you want to add test calls to this or any other Python file, please do so in appropriate test function like the one that we gave you at the bottom of the ps1pr3.py starter file for Problem Set 1. After running your Python file, you can call the test function (by entering test()) to see the results of all of the test calls.

    Do not add any lines of code that belong to the global scope of the program (i.e., lines that are outside of any function).

  • These guidelines apply to this and all remaining Python code that you write for this course!

Running the program
The starter code that we’ve given you includes a function called tts() that serves as the “main” function–the one that handles the user interactions.

To run the program, you should call this function. Run ps7pr5.py in IDLE, which you will bring you to the Shell, and then make the following function call:

>>> tts()

Required functionality The program should present the user with the following menu of choices:

(0) Input a new list of prices
(1) Print the current prices
(2) Find the latest price
(3) Find the average price
(4) Find the standard deviation
(5) Find the min price and its day
(6) Test a threshold
(7) Your TT investment plan
(8) Quit

Enter your choice:

Our starter code includes support for a few of these options. You will need to implement the rest of them. In particular, you should perform tasks 0-5 outlined below.

A sample run that illustrates what the behavior of the program should look like is available here.

  1. Read over the starter code that we’ve given you. Make sure that you understand how the various functions work, and how they fit together.

  2. Add support for option 3: finding the average price
    First, write a function called avg_price that takes a list of 1 or more prices and computes and returns the average price. Don’t forget that you cannot use the built-in sum, min, or max functions. Instead, you should use a loop of your own construction to perform the necessary computations.

    Here are two examples:

    >>> avg_price([10, 20, 18])
    >>> print(avg_price([5, 8, 5, 3]))

    Next, you should integrate this function into the overall program by doing the following:

    • Update the display_menu() function to print the description of this menu option.

    • Add code to the tts() function to call your avg_price function whenever the user chooses option 3, and to print the result that it returns. See the sample run for an example of what the output of this option should look like.

      Important: The printing of the result should be done in tts(). Your avg_price function should not do any printing. In general, none of the new functions that you write should do any printing. Rather, you should add code to tts() to print the results in the proper format.

  3. Add support for option 4: finding the standard deviation
    Begin by writing a function called std_dev that takes a list of 1 or more prices and computes and returns the standard deviation of the prices. Use the following formula:

    Formula for standard deviation. L is the list of prices. Lavg is the average of the prices. The capital sigma (Σ) means “sum for all positions i in the list” — in other words, for each price, compute the squared difference between that price and the average.

    Don’t forget that you cannot use the built-in sum, min, or max functions. However, you can use your avg_price function to compute the average, and we encourage you to do so!

    To compute the square root, you should use the math.sqrt() function. Our starter code already imports the math module for you.

    Here are two examples of how the function should behave:

    >>> std_dev([10, 20, 18])
    >>> print(std_dev([5, 8, 5, 3]))

    Next, you should integrate this function into the overall program, taking steps similar to the ones you took above. Update display_menu(), and add code to tts() to call std_dev and to print the result that std_dev() returns. See the sample run for an example of what the output of this option should look like.

  4. Add support for option 5: finding the minimum price and its day
    Write a function called min_day that takes a list of 1 or more prices and computes and returns the day (i.e., the index) of the minimum price. Don’t forget that you cannot use the built-in sum, min, or max functions.

    Here are two examples:

    >>> min_day([20, 10, 18])
    >>> print(min_day([15, 18, 12, 22, 17]))

    Next, you should integrate this function into the overall program, taking steps similar to the ones that you took above. In printing the result, tts() should print both the day of the minimum price and the minimum price itself. See the sample run for an example of what the output should look like.

  5. Add support for option 6: testing a threshold
    Begin by writing a function called any_above that takes a list of 1 or more prices and an integer threshold, and uses a loop to determine if there are any prices above that threshold. The function should return True if there are any prices above the threshold, and False otherwise. For example:

    >>> any_above([10, 20, 15], 18)
    >>> print(any_above([10, 20, 15], 25))

    Important: Make sure that you return either the boolean literal True or the boolean literal False. Do not include quotes around these values.

    Next, you should integrate this function into the overall program.

    In addition to the types of steps that you’ve taken for the previous options, you will also need to get the threshold from the user. Add an input statement to tts() that obtains the threshold, and don’t forget to convert the string that is returned by input to an integer. See our starter code for an example of this.

  6. Add support for option 7: the “time travel” investment strategy discussed in lecture
    First, write a function called find_plan that takes a list of 2 or more prices, and that uses one or more loops to find the best days on which to buy and sell the stock whose prices are given in the list of prices. The buy and sell days that you determine should maximize the profit earned, but the sell day must be greater than the buy day. The function should return a list containing three integers:

    • the buy day
    • the sell day
    • the resulting profit

    For example:

    >>> find_plan([40, 10, 20, 35, 25])
    [1, 3, 25]

    In this case, the function returns a list that indicates that the best investment plan is to buy on day 1 and sell on day 3, which gives a profit of $25. Here’s another example:

    >>> print(find_plan([5, 10, 45, 35, 3]))
    [0, 2, 40]

    Hint: In implementing this function, you may find it helpful to adapt the example diff function that we covered in lecture.

    Don’t forget to integrate this function into the overall program, taking similar steps to the ones that you took for the earlier options. See the sample run for an example of what the output of this option should look like.

Problem 3: Functions for 2-D lists

15 points; pair-optional

This is the only problem of the assignment that you may complete with a partner. See the rules for working with a partner on pair-optional problems for details about how this type of collaboration must be structured.

This problem involves writing functions that create and manipulate two-dimensional lists of integers. Some of these functions will then be used in Part II to implement John Conway’s Game of Life.

Getting started Begin by downloading the following zip file: ps7twoD.zip

Unzip this archive, and you should find a folder named ps7twoD, and within it several files, including ps7pr3.py. Open that file in IDLE, and put your work for this problem in that file. You should not move any of the files out of the ps7twoD folder.

In ps7pr3.py, we’ve given you two functions:

Your tasks


You should continue to follow the guidelines for coding style and readability that we gave you in Problem 2.

  1. To provide another example of using nested loops to manipulate a 2-D list, we’re giving you the following function, which you should copy into your ps7pr3.py file:

    def diagonal_grid(height, width):
        """ creates and returns a height x width grid in which the cells
            on the diagonal are set to 1, and all other cells are 0.
            inputs: height and width are non-negative integers
        grid = create_grid(height, width)   # initially all 0s
        for r in range(height):
            for c in range(width):
                if r == c:
                    grid[r][c] = 1
        return grid

    Notice that the function first uses create_grid to create a 2-D grid of all zeros. It then uses nested loops to set all of the cells on the diagonal–i.e., the cells whose row and column indices are the same–to 1.

    Make sure that your copy of diagonal_grid is working by re-running the file and trying the following:

    >>> grid = diagonal_grid(6, 8)
    >>> print_grid(grid)
  2. Based on the example of diagonal_grid, write a function Write a function random_grid(height, width) that creates and returns a 2-D list of height rows and width columns in which the inner cells are randomly assigned either 0 or 1, but the cells on the outer border are all 0.

    For example (although the actual values of the inner cells will vary):

    >>> grid = random_grid(10, 10)
    >>> print_grid(grid)

    Our starter code imports Python’s random module, and you should use the random.choice function to randomly choose the value of each cell in the grid. Use the call random.choice([0, 1]), which will return either a 0 or a 1.

  3. As we’ve seen in lecture, copying a list variable does not actually copy the list. To see an example of this, try the following commands from the Shell:

    >>> grid1 = create_grid(2, 2)
    >>> grid2 = grid1      # copy grid1 into grid2
    >>> print_grid(grid2)
    >>> grid1[0][0] = 1
    >>> print_grid(grid1)
    >>> print_grid(grid2)

    Note that changing grid1 also changes grid2! That’s because the assignment grid2 = grid1 did not copy the list represented by grid1; it copied the reference to the list. Thus, grid1 and grid2 both refer to the same list!

    To avoid this problem, write a function copy(grid) that creates and returns a deep copy of grid–a new, separate 2-D list that has the same dimensions and cell values as grid. Note that you cannot just perform a full slice on grid (e.g., grid[:]), because you would still end up with copies of the references to the rows! Instead, you should do the following:

    • Use create_grid to create a new 2-D list with the same dimensions as grid, and assign it to an appropriately named variable. (Don’t call your new list grid, since that is the name of the parameter!) Remember that len(grid) will give you the number of rows in grid, and len(grid[0]) will give you the number of columns.

    • Use nested loops to copy the individual values from the cells of grid into the cells of your newly created grid.

    • Make sure to return the newly created grid and not the original one!

    To test that your copy function is working properly, try the following examples:

    >>> grid1 = diagonal_grid(3, 3)
    >>> print_grid(grid1)
    >>> grid2 = copy(grid1)   # should get a deep copy of grid1
    >>> print_grid(grid2)
    >>> grid1[0][1] = 1
    >>> print_grid(grid1)     # should see an extra 1 at [0][1]
    >>> print_grid(grid2)     # should not see an extra 1
  4. Write a function increment(grid) that takes an existing 2-D list of digits and increments each digit by 1. If incrementing a given digit causes it to become a 10 (i.e., if the original digit was a 9), then the new digit should “wrap around” and become a 0.

    Important notes:

    • Unlike the other functions that you wrote for this problem, this function should not create and return a new 2-D list. Rather, it should modify the internals of the existing list.

    • Unlike the other functions that you wrote for this problem, this function should not have a return statement, because it doesn’t need one! That’s because its parameter grid gets a copy of the reference to the original 2-D list, and thus any changes that it makes to the internals of that list will still be visible after the function returns.

    • The loops in this function need to loop over all of the cells in the grid, not just the inner cells.

    For example:

    >>> grid = diagonal_grid(5, 5)
    >>> print_grid(grid)
    >>> increment(grid)
    >>> print_grid(grid)
    >>> increment(grid)
    >>> print_grid(grid)
    >>> grid = inner_grid(6, 4, 8)
    >>> print_grid(grid)
    >>> increment(grid)
    >>> print_grid(grid)
    >>> increment(grid)
    >>> print_grid(grid)

    Here’s another example that should help to reinforce your understanding of references:

    >>> grid1 = inner_grid(5, 5, 1)
    >>> print_grid(grid1)
    >>> grid2 = grid1
    >>> grid3 = grid1[:]
    >>> increment(grid1)
    >>> print_grid(grid1)

    As you can see above, the value of grid1 has been changed. What about grid2 and grid3?

    Before entering the statements below, see if you can predict what has happened to grid2 and grid3. If we print them, will we see the original grid or an incremented one?

    Test your understanding by first entering the following:

    >>> print_grid(grid2)

    What do you see? Why does this make sense?

    Now enter the following:

    >>> print_grid(grid3)

    What do you see? Why does this make sense?

    (You don’t need to record your answers to these questions, but we strongly encourage you to make sure that you understand what happens here. Feel free to ask for help if you don’t understand.)

Part II

due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 1, 2018

Problem 4: Conway’s Game of Life

20 points; individual-only

The Game of Life was invented by John Conway, who is currently a professor of mathematics at Princeton. It’s not a game in the traditional sense, but rather a grid of cells that changes over time according to a few simple rules.

At a given point in time, each cell in the grid is either “alive” (represented by a value of 1) or “dead” (represented by a value of 0). The neighbors of a cell are the cells that immediately surround it in the grid.

Over time, the grid is repeatedly updated according to the following five rules:

  1. All cells on the outer boundary of the grid remain fixed at 0.

  2. An inner cell that has fewer than 2 alive neighbors dies (because of loneliness).

  3. An inner cell that has more than 3 alive neighbors dies (because of overcrowding).

  4. An inner cell that is dead and has exactly 3 alive neighbors comes to life.

  5. All other cells maintain their state.

Although these rules seem simple, they give rise to complex and interesting patterns! You can find more information and a number of interesting patterns here.

Getting Started
In the ps7twoD folder that you used for Problem 3, you should find a file named ps7pr4.py. (Note that this is not the same file that you used for Problem 3.) Open ps7pr4.py in IDLE, and put your work for this problem in that file. Once again, you should not move any of the files out of the ps7twoD folder.

IMPORTANT: We have included an import statement at the top of ps7pr4.py that imports all of the functions from your ps7pr3.py file. Therefore, you will be able to call any of the functions that you wrote for Problem 3.

Your tasks

  1. Write a function count_neighbors(cellr, cellc, grid) that returns the number of alive neighbors of the cell at position [cellr][cellc] in the specified grid. You may assume that the indices cellr and cellc will always represent one of the inner cells of grid, and thus the cell will always have eight neighbors.

    Here are two possible approaches that you could take to this problem:

    • first approach: You could use nested loops to compute the necessary cumulative sum. Set the ranges of the two loops so that you end up examining only the specified cell and its eight neighbors. And although these loops will end up including the specified cell, you should make sure that you don’t actually count the cell itself as one of its own neighbors!


    • second approach: You could write eight separate if statements to check each of the eight neighbors. If you take this approach, you will not need to use any loops.

    To test your function, run the file in IDLE and enter the following from the Shell:

    >>> grid1 = [[0,0,0,0,0],
    >>> print_grid(grid1)
    >>> count_neighbors(2, 1, grid1)   # grid1[2][1] has 3 alive neighbors
    >>> count_neighbors(2, 2, grid1)   # we don't count the cell itself!
    >>> count_neighbors(1, 2, grid1)
    >>> grid2 = [[0,0,0,0,0,0],
    >>> count_neighbors(2, 2, grid2)   # grid2[2][2] has 5 alive neighbors
    >>> count_neighbors(2, 3, grid2)   # so does grid2[2][3]
    >>> count_neighbors(3, 3, grid2)   # grid2[3][3] has 6 alive neighbors
  2. Now let’s implement the rules of the Game of Life!

    A given configuration of the grid in the Game of Life is known as a generation of cells. Write a function next_gen(grid) that takes a 2-D list called grid that represents the current generation of cells, and that uses the rules of the Game of Life (see above) to create and return a new 2-D list representing the next generation of cells.


    • Begin by creating a copy of grid (call it new_grid). Use one of the functions that you wrote for the previous problem!

    • Limit your loops so that they never consider the outer boundary of cells. You did this already in one of the functions that you wrote for the previous problem.

    • You can use the count_neighbors() function that you just wrote. Make sure that you count the neighbors in the current generation (grid) and not the new one (new_grid).

    • When updating a cell, make sure to change the appropriate element of new_grid and not the element of grid.

    Testing next_gen
    Here are two patterns that you might want to take advantage of when testing your function:

    • If a 3x1 line of alive cells is isolated in the center of a 5x5 grid, the line will oscillate from vertical to horizontal and back again, as shown below:

      >>> grid1 = [[0,0,0,0,0],
      >>> print_grid(grid1)
      >>> grid2 = next_gen(grid1)
      >>> print_grid(grid2)
      >>> grid3 = next_gen(grid2)
      >>> print_grid(grid3)

      and so on!

    • In a 4x4 grid, if the inner cells are all alive, they should remain alive over time:

      >>> grid1 = [[0,0,0,0], 
      >>> print_grid(grid1)
      >>> grid2 = next_gen(grid1)
      >>> print_grid(grid2)

Optional (but encouraged): graphical life!
We have given you functions that you can use to run a graphical version of the Game of Life. Here’s an example of how to use it with a random starting configuration:

>>> grid = random_grid(15, 15)
>>> show_graphics(grid)    # run the Game of Life in a graphics window

The following key presses can be used to control the simulation:

When the simulation is paused, you should be able to change the state of a cell by clicking on it.

Trying other patterns
The Life Lexicon is a website that includes many examples of interesting starting patterns. They use a different representation for the cells in a grid: a dot . character for a dead cell and an O character for an alive cell. For example, here is a well-known pattern known as the Gosper glider gun:


You can easily try a pattern that is specified in Life Lexicon form by using the read_pattern function. It takes 2 inputs specifying the amount of padding (i.e., the number of empty rows and empty columns) that should be added around a pattern that is entered by the user. When you call this function, it waits for you to enter a pattern in the form found in the Life Lexicon, and it converts it into a 2-D list of the form that our functions use.

For example:

>>> grid = read_pattern(20, 20)   # use a padding of 20 on all sides
enter the pattern:

When you are prompted to enter the pattern, copy and paste it into the Shell window and hit Enter. (It’s not a problem if you have extra spaces at the start of some of the lines when you paste the pattern.) You can then run the pattern graphically as indicated above.

You can also change the colors used for the alive and dead cells. For example, to invert the default color scheme–producing something that is more obviously Terrier-themed!–you can do the following from the Shell before calling show_graphics:

>>> set_color(0, 'red')
>>> set_color(1, 'white')

A full list of color names is available here.

Problem 5: Images as 2-D lists

25 points; individual-only

Getting started
Begin by downloading the following zip file: ps7image.zip

Unzip this archive, and you should find a folder named ps7image, and within it several files, including ps7pr5.py. Open that file in IDLE, and put your work for this problem in that file. You should not move any of the files out of the ps7image folder. Keeping everything together will ensure that your functions are able to make use of the image-processing module that we’ve provided.

Among the files in the ps7image folder are several PNG images that you can use when testing your functions. They include the following:





Important: Both of these images have a one-pixel border; test.png has a blue border, and spam.png has a red one. When you create a new image that is based on one of these images, these borders should help you to ensure that you are transforming the entire image.

Loading and saving pixels
At the top of ps7pr5.py, we’ve included an import statement for the hmcpng module, which was developed at Harvey Mudd College. This module gives you access to the following two functions that you will need for this problem:

In addition, we’ve given you three other functions:

We demonstrated the use of the first three of these functions in Lab 8. We also provided examples of manipulating images represented as 2-D lists. We encourage you to review that material from lab before proceeding.

Your tasks

  1. Write a function bw(pixels, threshold) that takes the 2-D list pixels containing pixels for an image, and that creates and returns a new 2-D list of pixels for an image that is a black-and-white version of the original image. The second input to the function is an integer threshold between 0 and 255, and it should govern which pixels are turned white and which are turned black.

    The brightness of a pixel [r,b,g] can be computed using this formula:

    21r + 72g + 7b

    We’ve given you a helper function called brightness() that you should use to make this computation.

    If a pixel’s brightness (as determined by the brightness() helper function) is greater than the specified threshold, the pixel should be turned white ([255,255,255]); otherwise, the pixel should be turned black ([0,0,0]).

    For example, if you do the following:

    >>> pixels = load_pixels('spam.png')
    >>> bw_spam = bw(pixels, 100)
    >>> save_pixels(bw_spam, 'bw_spam.png')
    bw_spam.png saved.

    you should obtain the following image:


    After saving the result of your function, you can double-click on the new PNG file in the ps7_image folder to see the image that was produced. In addition, you should verify that the resulting image is correct by using the procedure explained below.


    • Your function will need to create a new 2-D list of pixels with the same dimensions as pixels. You can use the blank_image function that we’ve provided to create a new 2-D list of green pixels that you then modify.

    • Your function should return the new 2-D list of pixels that it creates.

    • Important: The 2-D list created by blank_image will be filled with green pixels. If you see unexpected green pixels in your new image (e.g., at the borders of the image), there is a bug in your function that you will need to fix.

    Verifying the produced image
    The module that we have provided includes a function called compare_images() that you can use to test if two images are identical to each other. In addition, we have given you a PNG file for the expected result of each function that you will write.

    To verify the image produced by your bw() function, you should do the following after executing the lines above.

    >>> compare_images('bw_spam.png', 'bw_expected.png')
    bw_spam.png and bw_expected.png are identical.

    If the image produced by your bw() function is identical to the expected result, you will see the message shown above. Otherwise, you will see another message with details about the ways in which the two images differ.

  2. Write a function flip_vert(pixels) that takes the 2-D list pixels containing pixels for an image, and that creates and returns a new 2-D list of pixels for an image in which the original image is “flipped” vertically. In other words, the top of the original image should now be on the bottom, and the bottom should now be on the top. For example, if you do the following:

    >>> pixels = load_pixels('spam.png')
    >>> flipped = flip_vert(pixels)
    >>> save_pixels(flipped, 'flipv_spam.png')
    flipv_spam.png saved.

    you should obtain the following image:


    To verify your image:

    >>> compare_images('flipv_spam.png', 'flipv_expected.png')
    flipv_spam.png and flipv_expected.png are identical.


    • Here again, you should use the blank_image function to create a new 2-D list of green pixels that you then modify, and you should return the modified 2-D list.

    • When computing the appropriate coordinates for a flipped pixel, don’t forget that valid (r,c) coordinates for an image of height h and width w are the following:

      0 ≤ r ≤ h - 1
      0 ≤ c ≤ w - 1

      Given these ranges, where should a pixel from the top row of a given column end up in the flipped image? Where should a pixel from the second row of a given column end up? Where should a pixel from the rth row of the original image end up?

  3. Write a function reduce(pixels) that takes the 2-D list pixels containing pixels for an image, and that creates and returns a new 2-D list that represents an image that is half the size of the original image. It should do so by eliminating every other pixel in each row (to reduce the image horizontally) and by eliminating every other row (to reduce the image vertically).

    There are different approaches that you can take to this problem, and there are two possible results that you can obtain when you reduce a given image. For example, if you do the following:

    >>> pixels = load_pixels('spam.png')
    >>> reduced = reduce(pixels)
    >>> save_pixels(reduced, 'reduce_spam.png')
    reduce_spam.png saved.

    here is one possible result:


    Note that the right and bottom borders have been eliminated by the reduction. Here is the other:


    In this version, the left and top borders have been eliminated by the reduction. Either result is acceptable.

    To help you with testing, we have created an image called spam_two.png that has a two-pixel border:


    The outermost border is still red, but the inner border is blue.

    To verify your function, start by reducing spam_two.png:

    >>> pixels = load_pixels('spam_two.png')
    >>> reduced = reduce(pixels)
    >>> save_pixels(reduced, 'reduce_spam_two.png')
    reduce_spam_two.png saved.

    You should get one of the following results, either of which is acceptable:



    If you get the first of these images, you can verify your image as follows:

    >>> compare_images('reduce_spam_two.png', 'reduce_expected.png')
    reduce_spam_two.png and reduce_expected.png are identical.

    If you get the second of these images, you can verify your image as follows:

    >>> compare_images('reduce_spam_two.png', 'reduce2_expected.png')
    reduce_spam_two.png and reduce2_expected.png are identical.


    • Here again, your function will need to create a new 2-D list of pixels, and you can use the blank_image() function for that purpose. Use integer division to determine the dimensions of the reduced image.

    • One way to solve this problem is to use nested loops to iterate over the rows and columns of the newly created 2-D list–the one that represents the reduced image. You can then perform the necessary computations on your loop variables r and c to determine the cooordinates of the pixel from the original image that you should use for the pixel at position (r, c) in the reduced image. Use concrete cases to determine the appropriate computations.

  4. Write a function extract(pixels, rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax) that takes the 2-D list pixels containing pixels for an image, and that creates and returns a new 2-D list that represents the portion of the original image that is specified by the other four parameters. The extracted portion of the image should consist of the pixels that fall in the intersection of

    • the rows of pixels that begin with row rmin and go up to but not including row rmax
    • the columns of pixels that begin with column cmin and go up to but not including column cmax.

    For example, if you do the following:

    >>> pixels = load_pixels('spam.png')
    >>> extracted = extract(pixels, 90, 150, 75, 275)
    >>> save_pixels(extracted, 'extract_spam.png')
    extract_spam.png saved.

    you should obtain the following image:


    To verify your image:

    >>> compare_images('extract_spam.png', 'extract_expected.png')
    extract_spam.png and extract_expected.png are identical.


    • Here again, your function will need to create and return a new 2-D list of pixels, and you can use the blank_image() function for that purpose. Compute the dimensions of the new image from the inputs to the function.

    • Don’t forget that the rmax and cmax parameters are exclusive, which means that the extracted image should not include pixels from row rmax or column cmax of the original image. This is similar to what happens when you slice a string or list, and it should make it easier to compute the dimensions of the image.

    • One way to solve this problem is to use nested loops to iterate over the rows and columns of the newly created 2-D list–the one that represents the extracted image. You can then perform the necessary computations on your loop variables r and c to determine the cooordinates of the pixel from the original image that you should use for the pixel at position (r, c) in the new image. Use concrete cases to determine the appropriate computations.

Submitting Your Work

You should use Apollo to submit the following files:


There is an issue with Apollo that causes print statements with an end parameter to be deemed a syntax error. The print_grid() function that we’ve given you includes such a print statement, so you will probably see an error message when you upload the file containing that function. You can ignore this message. As long as your file works correctly when you run it and test it in IDLE, you should be fine.


  • Make sure to use these exact file names, or Apollo will not accept your files. If Apollo reports that a file does not have the correct name, you should rename the file using the name listed in the assignment or on the Apollo upload page.

  • Before submitting your files, make sure that your BU username is visible at the top of the Apollo page. If you don’t see your username, click the Log out button and login again.

  • If you make any last-minute changes to one of your Python files (e.g., adding additional comments), you should run the file in IDLE after you make the changes to ensure that it still runs correctly. Even seemingly minor changes can cause your code to become unrunnable.

  • If you submit an unrunnable file, Apollo will accept your file, but it will print a warning message. If time permits, you are strongly encouraged to fix your file and resubmit. Otherwise, your code will fail most if not all of our tests.

  • If you encounter problems with Apollo, click the Log Out button, close your browser and try again. If possible, you may also want to wait an hour or two before retrying. If you are unable to submit and it is close to the deadline, email your homework before the deadline to cs111-staff@cs.bu.edu.

Here are the steps:

  1. Login to Apollo, using the link in the left-hand navigation bar. You will need to use your Kerberos user name and password.
  2. Check to see that your BU username is at the top of the Apollo page. If it isn’t, click the Log out button and login again.
  3. Find the appropriate problem set section on the main page and click Upload files.
  4. For each file that you want to submit, find the matching upload section for the file. Make sure that you use the right section for each file. You may upload any number of files at a time.
  5. Click the Upload button at the bottom of the page.
  6. Review the upload results. If Apollo reports any issues, return to the upload page by clicking the link at the top of the results page, and try the upload again, per Apollo’s advice.
  7. Once all of your files have been successfully uploaded, return to the upload page by clicking the link at the top of the results page. The upload page will show you when you uploaded each file, and it will give you a way to view or download the uploaded file. Click on the link for each file so that you can ensure that you submitted the correct file.


Apollo will automatically close submissions for a given file when its final deadline has passed. We will not accept any file after Apollo has disabled its upload form, so please check your submission carefully following the instructions in Step 7 above.