CS 591 Seminar
Video-Based Human-Computer Interfaces
Fall 2001
Course Info -
Course Objectives -
Course Materials -
Requirements -
Reading List and Lecture Notes
Collaboration and Academic Integrity -
Help -
Tentative Schedule -
Computer Vision Links -
Office Hours
353-6412 (direct line)
353-8919 (main office
to leave message)
M 2-3pm, W 1-2pm, Th 2:30-3:30pm
MCS 286
Seeing Me in My Office:
Please feel free to stop by my office anytime. My office is in MCS
286 (111 Cummington St). I am generally around every day. I may be
in meetings, so the best time to reach me is during office hours. You
can also make an appointment by email or by speaking with me
before class (I don't have time after class, since I
have to rush to another class). I'm happy to talk with you about the
course, computer vision research, your plans for the future, or
anything else. I hope that we will develop a good relationship as the
term progresses. Check out my
personal web page to get to know me a little.
Course Objectives
Our goal is to learn about computer systems that analyze images
automatically, determine what the computer ``sees'' or ``recognizes,''
and thus provide new interfaces for human users.
We will read and discuss papers on video-based human-computer
interfaces and maybe have some outside speakers and go for a field
trip to a research lab in the area. The updated course syllabus and
some handouts are made available on our course web page.
There are no formal prerequisites, but a computer vision or graphics
background would be great. If you have not taken cs585 or cs480, you
may want to pick up a textbook and do some extra reading (e.g., Robot
Vision by BKP Horn, or Machine Vision by Jain, Kasturi, and Schunck,
both books published by The MIT Press).
Course Materials
A textbook is not required. Reading materials will be handed out
before lectures. If you need computer access, use the Computer
Science Department's
Undergraduate Lab located at 730 Commonwealth Ave, 3rd floor.
Please add yourself to the course mailing list by typing csmail -a cs591a1 on your cs account. You can
also use the Human-Computer Interface Laboratory at 64 Cummington St.
Class Participation: Come to class and participate
regularly. Reading the assigned papers and listening in class will
only give you a "passive understanding" of the material. I encourage
discussions in class to help you acquire an "active understanding" of
the material so that you can evaluate existing human-computer
interfaces critically and learn to develop your own creative
Reading: To prepare for each class, you will be asked
to read book chapters, conference articles, journal papers, and
on-line publications. You can only achieve a good understanding and
appreciation of the state-of-the-art of video-based human-computer
interfaces if you read the assigned papers consistently and
Class Presentations: You will be asked to present a
paper, a set of papers, or a project to the class and lead the
discussion in class. You can follow the outline of the paper or
choose your own. Introduce the topic of the work, explain the
long-term and short-term goals, and discuss the authors' motivation.
Explain the methods, algorithms, and techniques. How do they relate
to previous work? You may need to discuss some additional background
material. Report on the experiments and results. Are they
satisfactory? What are the authors' conclusions? What are your own
conclusions? Give a critical evaluation. Is this promising work?
Has it been successful? What are the limitations?
See me in my
office hours to discuss the paper well in advance of your
Voluntary Project: Students who enjoy programming and
are interested in building video-based human-computer interfaces are
encouraged to design or participate in a project. Projects are
voluntary. You can substitute a research paper presentation in class
with a write-up and presentation of your project. You can also use it
to fullfill the project requirement in the BA/MA and MA programs. You
can use the new Human-Computer Interface Laboratory in 64 Cummington
Street to develop your project.
On-line Class Notes: You will be asked to prepare
on-line class notes for one or two class presentations by other
students. Notes taken during a Monday class are due the following
Thursday in my 2:30-3:30 pm office hours. Notes taken during a
Wednesday class are due the following Monday in my 2:00-3:00 pm office
hours. During these office hours, I will go through the notes with
you and maybe suggest changes. If you cannot come to the office
hours, email me the source code before the deadline. After you have
made the corrections (if needed), I will publish the notes on our
course web page. Your timelyness is important. Late class notes will
be levied a penalty of 20% per day (up to three days).
Exams: There will be two in-class exams on the
reading materials assigned and discussed in the class. The exams will
be quite easy for students who kept up with assigned readings, paper
presentations, and discussions. The dates of the exams are Monday,
October 15, and Wednesday, December 5. You are allowed to
use one double-sided page of notes in each exam. There will be no
make-up exams. There is no final exam.
Grading Policy:
Your final grade will be determined roughly as follows:
- Class participation 15%
- Class presentations 25%
- On-line class notes 10%
- Each exam 25%
Collaboration and Academic Integrity
You are encouraged to collaborate with classmates on the preparation
class presentations, lecture notes, and projects. If you do, you must
acknowledge your collaborators. Cheating during
exams is not worthy of Boston University students. I expect you to
abide by the standards of academic honesty and computer ethics policy
described in
http://www.bu.edu/computing/ethics/ .
CS591 is an elective seminar course that will introduce you to
an exciting topic in computer science. It should be fun and not too
much of a struggle for you. If you do not understand the material,
ask questions in class. If one student is confused about something,
then maybe others are also confused and grateful that someone asked.
Also, come and see me for help or send me email.
Course Schedule
The syllabus may change depending on the time spent on different
topics and whether or not new or alternative papers are discussed.
Topic and paper suggestions are welcome. We will schedule a field
trip after a discussion in class about possible destinations.
Dates |
Topics and Notes |
W 9/5, M 9/10, W 9/12 |
Introduction. Smart Rooms.
Assistive Technology for People with Severe Disabilities. |
M 9/17, W 9/19, M 9/24 |
Tracking Faces and Expressions
Monday 9/17 is the last day to ADD classes,
W 9/26, M 10/1 |
Interfacing through Visual Pointers.
Infrared-based Interfaces.
W 10/3, Tu 10/9, W 10/10 |
Face Recognition
Friday 10/5 is the last day to DROP classes (without a 'W'
grade). No class on Monday 10/8 (holiday), Tuesday schedule
instead. |
M 10/15 |
Exam 1 |
W 10/17 |
Body Modeling and Tracking |
M 10/22 |
Hidden Markov Models |
W 10/24, M 10/29 |
Recognizing Human Action |
W 10/31, M 11/5, W 11/7, W 11/14
Gesture Recognition and
M 11/12 |
Field trip |
M 11/19 |
American Sign Language
M 11/26 |
Audiovisual Interfaces
Thursday 11/29 is the last day to DROP classes (with a 'W'). |
W 11/28 |
Interfaces for Surgeons |
M 12/3 |
Wearable Computers |
W 12/5 |
Exam 2 |
M 12/10 |
No class. |
Reading List
M 9/10 -- Instructor
- Smart Rooms: Machine Understanding of Human Behavior,
A. Pentland. In R. Cipolla and A. Pentland, editors, "Computer Vision
for Human-Machine Interaction," 1998. Cambridge University Press.
- MIT Media Lab's web
page on "smart rooms." (Optional)
- Scribe: Bill Mullally. Lecture notes:
protected pdf
protected ps
W 9/12 -- Instructor
- The Camera Mouse: Visual Tracking of Body Features to
Provide Computer Access For People with Severe Disabilities,
M. Betke J. Gips, and P. Fleming, August 2000, pdf,
protected ps.
- The Camera Mouse: Preliminary Investigation of Automated
Visual Tracking for Computer Access, J. Gips, M. Betke, P. Fleming.
In the Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive
Technology Society of North America 2000 Annual Conference, RESNA 2000,
pp. 98-100, Orlando, FL, July 2000,
protected pdf.
- Early Experiences Using Visual Tracking for Computer Access
by People with Profound Physical Disabilities, J. Gips, M. Betke,
and P. A. DiMattia. In the Proceedings of the 1st International
Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction,
UAHCI 2001 , New Orleans, LA, August 2001, pdf,
protected pdf
- Scribe: Johanna Brewer. Lecture notes:
protected pdf,
M 9/17 -- Bill Mullally
and Yannis Minadakis
- Active Detection of Eye Scleras in Real Time, M. Betke,
W. Mullally, J. Magee. Proceedings of the IEEE CVPR Workshop on Human
Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis, HMAS 2000, Hilton Head
Island, SC, June 2000.
- Elliptical Head Tracking Using Intensity Gradients,
S. Birchfield,
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Conference, pp. 232-237, Hilton Head Island, SC, 2000.
protected pdf
- Tracking Faces, A. H. Gee and R. Cipolla. In R. Cipolla
and A. Pentland, editors, "Computer Vision for Human-Machine
Interaction," 1998. Cambridge University Press. Handout.
An Algorithm for Real-time Stereo Vision Implementation of Head
Pose and Gaze Direction Measurement. Y. Matsumoto and
A. Zelinsky. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Face
and Gesture Recognition, pp. 499-504, 2000. protected pdf.
Interview on Australian TV about an
Eye Tracker, April 2001.
- Scribes: Bill Mullally, protected ps,
protected pdf,
and Yannis Minadakis: protected pdf.
W 9/19 -- John Magee
- Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination: An
Approach Based on Robust Registration of Texture-Mapped 3D Models,
M. La Cascia, S. Sclaroff, and V. Athitsos, IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(4), April 2000.
- Scribe: Chekema Prince Lecture notes:
protected pdf.
M 9/24 -- Evelina Prokupets
and Jason Ruel
- Measuring Facial Movement with the Facial Action Coding
System, Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen. In "Emotion in the
human face," edited by Paul Ekman, 1982. Cambridge University Press.
- Review of Research, 1970-1980, Paul Ekman and Harriet
Oster. In "Emotion in the human face," edited by Paul Ekman, 1982.
Cambridge University Press. Handout.
- Tracking Facial Motion, I. Essa, T. Darrell, and
A. Pentland. In the Proceedings of the IEEE Nonrigid and Articulated
Motion Workshop, 1995.
- Recognizing Facial Expressions in Image Squences Using Local
Parameterized Models of Image Motion, M. Black and Y. Yacoob.
Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 25(1), pp. 23-48, 1997. Also Xerox
PARC Technical Report SPL-95-020, March 1995. protected ps
- Scribes: Seema Shah: protected pdf,
and Stephen Crampton: protected pdf.
W 9/26 -- Witold Stankiewicz
- Interfacing through Visual Pointers, C. Colombo, A. Del
Bimbo, and S. De Magistris. In R. Cipolla and A. Pentland, editors,
"Computer Vision for Human-Machine Interaction," 1998. Cambridge
University Press. Handout.
- What you look at is what you get, R. J. K. Jacob.
Computer, pp. 65-66, July 1993. protected pdf
- Scribe: Robyn Cloud
protected pdf.
M 10/1 -- Harrison Hong and Jonathan Lombardi
- Pupil detection and tracking using multiple light sources,
C. Morimoto, D. Koons, A. Amit, M. Flickner and S. Zhai.
IBM Almaden Research Center, Report RJ-10177, 1998.
protected ps
protected pdf
- Keeping an eye for HCI, C. Morimoto, D. Koons, A. Amit,
M. Flickner and S. Zhai. Proceedings of the XII Brazilian Symposium
on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, pp. 171-176, 1999.
protected pdf
- IBM's BlueEyes project web page.
- K. Grauman, M. Betke, J. Gips, G. R. Bradski, "Communication via Eye
Blinks - Detection and Duration Analysis in Real Time,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Conference CVPR
2001, Kauai, Hawaii, December 2001.
protected pdf,
protected ps.
- Software used in blink experiments:
See free demo of "Scan & Match Series" program by
Simtech Publications.
Intel's eyeblink patent. Read "Description" part. (Optional)
- Scribes: Bevan Lew: protected pdf,
Walter Chang: protected pdf
W 10/3 - Instructor
- Neural Networks, Linear Algebra, Multivariate Gaussians
- Scribe: Jason Peterson, Lecture notes on line soon.
Tu 10/9 -- Anna Karpovsky
Example-based learning for view-based human face detection,
T. Poggio and K.-K. Sung. Proceedings of the ARPA IU Workshop '94, II,
pp. 843 - 850, 1994.
CMU Interactive Demonstration of a Face Detector,
web page. (Optional)
- Scribe: Evelina Prokupets.
W 10/10 -- Instructor
- Low-dimensional procedure for the characterization of human
faces, L. Sirovich and M. Kirby. Journal of the Optical Society
of America A, 4:3, March 1987. Handout.
Eigenfaces for recognition, M. Turk, and A. Pentland. Journal of
Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(1), 71-86. 1991. Handout. (Optional)
- Application of the Karhunen-Loeve Procedure for the
Characterization of Human Faces, M. Kirby and L. Sirovich. IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12:1,
January 1990.
pdf (Optional)
MIT Media Lab Face Recognition Projects,
web page. (Optional)
W 10/17 -- Guest Lecturer: Romer Rosales
3D Trajectory Recovery for Tracking Multiple Objects and
Trajectory Guided Recognition of Actions, R. Rosales and
S. Sclaroff. In Proceedings IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), Fort Collins, CO, 1999.
pdf, ps.
M 10/22 -- Instructor
- Introduction to Hidden Markov Models
W 10/24 Bevan Lew
The Kidsroom: A Perceptually-Based Interactive and Immersive Story
Environment, A. Bobick, S. Intille, J. Davis, F. Baird,
C. Pinhanez, L. Campbell, Y. Ivanov, A. Schutte, and A. Wilson. In
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 8(4), 1999,
pp. 367-391.
The Kids Room. An Interactive Narrative Playspace. MIT Media Lab.
- Scribe: Witold Stankiewicz
M 10/29 Walter Chang + Jason Peterson
- The Recognition of Human Movement Using Temporal
Templates, A. Bobick and J. Davis, IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2001, pp. 257-267.
Model-based estimation of 3D human motion, I. Kakadiaris and
D. Metaxas, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, 22:12, pp. 1453 -1459, December 2000.
W4 : Who? When? Where? What ? A Real Time System for Detecting and
Tracking of People, I. Haritaoglu, L. Davis. University of
web page. (Optional)
- Scribes: John Magee.
Jonathan Lombardi.
W 10/31 Robyn Cloud
- A Framework for Gesture Generation and Interpretation,
J. Cassell. In R. Cipolla and A. Pentland, editors, "Computer Vision
for Human-Machine Interaction," 1998. Cambridge University Press.
- Scribe: Anna Karpovsky.
M 11/5 Chekema Prince + Seema Shah + Dan Hoeweler
- GestureComputer - History, Design and Applications,
C. Maggioni and B. Kammerer. In R. Cipolla and A. Pentland, editors,
"Computer Vision for Human-Machine Interaction," 1998. Cambridge
University Press. Handout.
- Visual Sensing of Humans for Active Public Interfaces
K. Waters, J. Rehg, M. Loughlin, S. B. Kang, and D. Terzopoulos, in
R. Cipolla and A. Pentland, editors, "Computer Vision for
Human-Machine Interaction," 1998. Cambridge University
Press. Handout.
- Model-Based Interpretation of Faces and Hand Gestures,
C. J. Taylor, A. Lanitis, T. F. Cootes, G. Edwards, and T. Ahmad. In
R. Cipolla and A. Pentland, editors, "Computer Vision for
Human-Machine Interaction," 1998. Cambridge University
Press. Handout.
- Scribe for first two papers: Raymond Peng.
1st paper: pdf.
2nd paper: pdf.
- Scribe for last paper: Jingbin Wang
W 11/7 Yannis Minadakis + Instructor
- Pupil Detection and Tracking (no paper)
- Preparation for Field Trip
- Scribe: Jason Ruel.
M 11/12
- Field Trip:
Museum of Science, Computer Exhibit
- Test the software of your choice. Would a video-based
human-computer interface, for example, the CameraMouse or the
BlinkLink, be useful for your software? How could it be incorporated?
W 11/14 Stephen Crampton
- Finger Counting, S. Crampton, unpublished manuscript,
2001. pdf.
- No scribe. See paper.
M 11/19 Joo-Hee Kim + George Valavanis
- Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL) web page.
- ASL Recognition Based on a Coupling Between HMMs and 3D
Motion Analysis, C. Vogler and D. Metaxas, "ICCV," pp. 363-369,
Mumbai, India, 1998. ps,
- Toward Scalability in ASL Recognition: Breaking Down Signs
into Phonemes, C. Vogler and D. Metaxas, "Gesture Workshop,"
France, 1999. ps,
pdf. (Optional)
- Scribes: George Valavanis - pdf, Dan Hoeweler - html.
M 11/26 - Jingbin Wang + Raymond Peng
A New 3D Lip Model for Analysis and Synthesis of Lip Motion in Speech
Production, L. Reveret and C. Benoit. In the Proceedings of the
Second ESCA Workshop on Audio-Visual Speech Processing, AVSP'98,
Terrigal, Australia, Dec. 4-6, 1998.
- Probabilistic Models of Verbal and Body Gestures
C. Bregler, S. M. Omohundro, M. Covell, M. Slaney, S. Ahmad,
D. A. Forsyth and J. A. Feldman. In R. Cipolla and A. Pentland,
editors, "Computer Vision for Human-Machine Interaction," 1998.
Cambridge University Press. Handout.
- Video Rewrite: Driving Visual Speech with Audio,
web page. (Optional)
- Sound Localization Research at SJSU,
web page. (Optional)
- Scribes: Harrison Hong pdf and ?
W 11/28 -- Bill Mullally
- Real-Time Visual Tracking of the Surgeon's Face for
Laparoscopic Surgery, A. Nishikawa, T. Hosoi, K. Koara,
D. Negoro, A. Hikita, S. Asano, F. Miyazaki, M. Sekimoto, Y. Miyake,
M. Yasui, and M. Monden. In Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2001, Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, W. J. Niessen and
M. A. Viergever, editors, Springer, October 2001.
- Image Guided Surgery,
web page.
- Scribe: Jingbin Wang. pdf
M 12/3 Johanna Brewer + instructor
- Wearable Cinema/Wearable City: bridging physical and virtual
spaces through wearable computing, F. Sparacino, G. Davenport and
A. Pentland, IMAGINA 2000, Montecarlo, January 2000.
- The Beware Home: A Contextually Aware Haunted House,
C. D. Kidd, T. Starner, M. Gandy, and A. Quay. Technical Report
GIT-GVU-00-29, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2000.
The challenges of wearable computing: Part 1,
T. Starner,
IEEE Micro, 21:4,
pp. 44 - 52, July-Aug. 2001
The challenges of wearable computing: Part 2,
T. Starner,
IEEE Micro, 21:4,
pp. 54 - 67, July-Aug. 2001
Humanistic computing: "WearComp" as a new framework and application
for intelligent signal processing,
S. Mann, Proceedings of the IEEE
86(11), pp. 2123 -2151, November 1998.
- Scribe: Joo-Hee Kim: 1st paper: pdf,
2nd paper: pdf.
Computer Vision Links
Check out
http://www.cs.bu.edu/faculty/betke/links.html. You will find a
list of links to computer vision conferences, journals, research
groups, and companies.