CS558 : Introduction to Network Security
Boston University, Computer Science, Spring, 2015

Course Syllabus     Assignments      Schedule      Calendar      Link to websubmit      Link to piazza     


Security News Presentation (10% of final grade)
Instructions         Link to doodle signup sheet
Example presentations from prior years:     Cryptolocker (slides) (report)    Khelios Botnet    Conficker    Dropbox (in)security   
Presentations from this year:     sonyhack    lizard squad DDoS    dropbox SDK    stuxnet    bmw connect vuln    equation group    shellshock    heartbleed    apple pay    anthem hack    red october    superfish    carbanak    android fake ID    gemalto hack    icloud hack    apple ios encryption   
Final Project (15% of final grade)
Final project.
Homework 1: Warmup
Homework 2: Symmetric Crypto    (partial solution)
Homework 3: Public Key Crypto and Certs (UNGRADED)    (solution)

Lab1: Hashing
Lab2: SSL Certificates
Lab3: Web Security    (hint code .txt)
Lab4: Network Security

Optional Latex template for formatting HW's and Labs

Midterms from past years. I post these to give you a sense for the "format" of my exams. Relevant to this year's midterm is all of 2014, 2013 problem 2, 2012 problem 4, and 2013 problems 1 and 3 are somewhat relevant but not very relevant.

Submission Policies
Homeworks and Labs make up 45% of your grade in this course. Please note that assignments will not be equally weighted, as some will be more substantial than others. Assignments must submitted as a PDF electronically through websubmit by 11:59PM on the day they are due. You may choose to hand-write your assignment and then scan it in before submitting, or you may choose to type up the assignment and then convert it to a PDF. You are encouraged to use LaTex -- please email us if you would like a Latex template to use. No format other than PDF will be accepted. Please make sure the electronic version of your assignment is legible; illegible assignments will not be graded kindly.

Late assignments. You start the semester with a credit of 3 late days. For the purpose of counting late days, a "day" is 24 hours starting at 11:59PM on the assignment's due date. Partial days are rounded up to the next full day. You are free to divide your late days among the take-home assignments (but not the final project) any way you want: submit three assignments 1 day late, submit one assignment 3 days late, etc. After your 3 days are used up, no late submissions will be accepted and you will automatically receive 0 points for each late assignment. Extra late days are not available. Every submitted assignment MUST include the following information:

  1. List of collaborators
  2. List of references used (online material, course nodes, textbooks, wikipedia, etc.)
  3. Number of late days used on this assignment
  4. Total number of late days used thus far in the entire semester
If any of this information is missing, 20% of the points for the assignment will automatically be deducted from your assignment.

Collaboration Policy
You are strongly encouraged to collaborate with one another in studying the course material. As long as it satisfies the following conditions, collaboration on the homework assignments is encouraged and will not reduce your grade: It is your responsibility to know and understand the provisions of the CAS Academic Conduct Code.