Problem Sets / Implementation Assignments

Problem sets usually include exercises from the book [Pierce]. If you have trouble doing some of the assigned exercises, then you can look up the solutions in Appendix A of [Pierce]. But, please, this should be only a last-resort measure, otherwise you will not learn anything. Some of the exercises, or parts of them, have no solutions in Appendix A of [Pierce].

Not every problem set will be graded. Problem sets that are graded should be submitted electronically -- using gsubmit

Every implementation assignment will be graded, and should be submitted electronically -- using gsubmit

Problem Set 01

Problem 1. Exercise 3.5.10, page 39, in [Pierce].

Problem 2. Exercise 3.5.13, page 40, in [Pierce]. Give a counter-example for each theorem that fails because of the added rule.

Problem 3. Exercise 3.5.17, page 42, in [Pierce].

Problem 4. Exercise 3.5.18, page 43, in [Pierce]. Do this for the small-step semantics given in Figure 3-2, page 41.

Problem Set 02

Problem 1. Exercise 5.2.5, page 62, in [Pierce]. Check the definition, by carrying out the evaluation of subtracting one Church numeral from another Church numeral.

Problem 2. Exercise 5.3.6, page 72, in [Pierce].

Problem 3. Exercise 5.3.8, page 73, in [Pierce].

Problem 4. Consider the normal-order evaluation strategy, as in Exercise 5.3.6 and earlier in Chapter 5. Show how to formulate the normal-order evaluation rules for lambda-terms in the big-step style.

Problem Set 03

Problem 1. Exercise 8.3.5, page 98, in [Pierce].

Problem 2. Exercise 8.3.6, page 98, in [Pierce].

Problem 3. Exercise 8.3.8, page 98, in [Pierce].

Problem 4. Exercise 9.2.2, page 103 in [Pierce].

Problem 5. Exercise 9.2.3, page 103 in [Pierce].

Problem Set 04

Problem 1. Exercise 11.3.2, page 121, in [Pierce]. Warning: In some editions of [Pierce], there is an error in the solution given at the end of the book.

Problem 2. Exercise 11.5.2, page 125, in [Pierce].

Problem 3. Exercise 11.9.1, page 134, in [Pierce].

Problem 4. Exercise 11.11.1, page 144, in [Pierce].

Problem 5. Consider Figure 11-13 on page 147 in [Pierce]. In the evaluation rules (E-IsNilNil), (IsNilCons) (E-HeadCons), and (E-TailCons), the types S and T do not have to be the same. (1) Explain clearly why this does not break the soundness of the type system. (2) Suppose we change "S" to "T" in the same evaluation rules. Does anything go wrong now? If yes, give a little example. If no, justify clearly.

Problem Set 05

Problem 1. Exercise 12.1.1, page 150, in [Pierce].

Problem 2. Consider the terms of the pure lambda-calculus, i.e. this is the lambda-calculus consisting of variables, abstractions, and applications only. Show that if a term t of the pure lambda-calculus is such that every binding occurrence of a variable x binds at most one bound occurrence of x, then t is normalizable -- regardless of the evaluation strategy.

Problem 3. Exercise on page 23 of Handout 09, "Extensions of the Simply-Typed Lambda-Calculus (Continued)".

Problem 4. Exercise 13.1.2, page 158, in [Pierce].

Problem 5. Exercise 13.1.3, page 158, in [Pierce].

Problem Set 06

Problem 1. Exercise 13.4.1, page 164, in [Pierce].

Problem 2. Exercise 13.5.2, page 167, in [Pierce].

Problem 3. Exercise 14.1.1, page 173, in [Pierce].

Problem 4. Exercise on page 23 of Handout 09, "Extensions of the Simply-Typed Lambda-Calculus (Continued)". (This exercise is assigned for a second time, it was already given as Problem 3 in the preceding problem set.)

Proposed solution for Problem 4 in Problem Set 06.

Problem Set 07

Problem 1. Prove Lemma 0.2 in Handout 14. Caution: Make sure you have the most recent version of Handout 14. Hint: As stated, the lemma is restricted to closed terms. If you want to carry out the proof by induction on the structure of terms, you cannot restrict the induction to closed terms. Instead, generalize the statement of Lemma 0.2 so that it also applies to open terms -- in the style of Lemma 0.1 in Handout 16 -- and then prove this more general statement by induction on the structure of terms.

Problem 2. Do Exercise 0.3 in Handout 15. Caution: Make sure you have the most recent version of Handout 15.

Problem 3. Consider the treatment of exceptions in Handout 16. (Ignore references and side-effects in Handout 16.) These are exceptions that carry values, like the exceptions considered in [Pierce, Section 14.3]. But the syntax and semantics of exceptions in Handout 16 and in [Pierce, Section 14.3] are different. Compare both approaches of exceptions. Specifically, is one more general than the other, i.e., can an exception according to one approach be modelled (or simulated) by an exception according to the other? Justify your answer carefully.

If you cannot solve this problem in full generality, at least provide 2 or 3 small excerpts of codes using exceptions in the language of one approach, and show how these excerpts can be translated into equivalent codes in the language of the other approach.

Proposed solutions for Problem Set 07.

Problem Set 08

Problem 1. Exercise 1 in Handout 21, page 6.

Problem 2. Exercise 2 in Handout 21, page 6.

Problem 3. Exercise 3 in Handout 21, page 6.

Problem 4. Exercise 4 in Handout 21, page 6.

Problem Set 09

Problem 1. Exercise 23.4.3, page 346 in [Pierce].

Problem 2. Exercise 23.4.8, page 349 in [Pierce].

Problem 3. Exercise 15.2.3, page 186 in [Pierce].

Problem 4. Last exercise in Handout 22, at the bottom of page 5.

Proposed solutions for Problem Set 09 by Michel Machado.

Problem Set 10

Problem 1. Exercise 20.1.2, page 271 in [Pierce].

Problem 2. Part 1: Answer the 3 questions on the last page (page 4) of Handout 27. Part 2: Give two recursive types, call them T1 and T2, which are not congruent according to the congruence relation defined in Part 1 but whose "infinite unwindings" produce the same infinite type.

Problem 3. Prove the first FACT in the last page (page 3) of Handout 28.

Problem 4. Show that not every term of the pure lambda-calculus is typable in the system of positive recursive types. (If this were not the case, the second FACT in the last page (page 3) of Handout 28 would be false -- why?) Hint: Consider the term x x, i.e., the self application of x.

Maintained by Assaf Kfoury
Created: 2006.08.27    Last modified: 2006.12.14